Category Archives: Hard Water Softener

DIGIGO Hard Water Softener for Home-

How to Save Your Wallets From Hard Water Using Hard Water Softener For Home

Hello people! We know how frustrating it can be to deal with hard water in your home. It’s not just annoying – it can actually cost you a lot of money over time. That’s why we the leaders of the water softening industry are always researching ways to help you save money and stay safe. We’ve put together our research results to show you how a Hard Water Softener For Home can protect your wallet and improve your quality of life.

Know the Hidden Costs of Hard Water

You might not realize it, but hard water is draining your wallets day by day:

Energy Bills: 

Hard water creates scale buildup in your water heater, geysers, washing machines and dishwashers making them work harder and use more energy. This means higher electricity or gas bills for you.


That same scale buildup can shorten the lifespan of your geysers, dishwasher, washing machine, and other water-using appliances. You might find yourself replacing these expensive items much sooner than you should.

Pipes and Fixtures: 

Over time, hard water can clog your pipes and damage fixtures, leading to costly repairs or replacements.


Hard water makes it harder for soap to lather, so you end up using more detergent. Your clothes might also wear out faster due to mineral buildup in the fabric.

Cleaning Agents: 

You will likely use more soap, shampoo, and cleaning products to combat the effects of hard water, which adds up over time. The yellow spots of water, stains on taps, and the algae bacteria in toilets and bathrooms make it more clumsy and unhygienic. Eventually, you need more toilet cleaners and acids to maintain the cleanliness of toilets and bathrooms.

Investing in a Hard Water Softener for Home

Now, we know what you’re thinking – “A water softener sounds expensive!” But hear us out. While there is an upfront cost, a good water softening system can save you money in the long run. Here’s how to choose the best hard water softener for home needs:

  1. Consider your home’s flow rate to ensure you get a system that can keep up with your water usage.
  2. Look at the capacity and how often it needs to regenerate. This affects both efficiency and convenience.
  3. Decide between salt-based and salt-free options. Each has its pros and cons, which we’ll dive into next.

Finding an Affordable Water Softener for House Without Compromising Quality

We understand that budget is a big concern. Here are some tips to help you find a cost-effective solution:

  1. Compare both upfront costs and long-term operational expenses when shopping for water softeners.
  2. Consider DIY installation if you’re handy, but be aware of potential pitfalls. Sometimes, professional installation can save you headaches down the line.
  3. Look into rental options. These can be budget-friendly in the short term, but owning often makes more financial sense if you plan to stay in your home long-term.

The Future of Soft Water: Electronic Water Softeners

Hard water softener for home

We’re really excited about electronic water softeners. These innovative devices work by sending out electronic pulses to break down the structure of hard water minerals, preventing them from sticking to surfaces. Here’s why we think they’re worth considering:

  1. They’re chemical-free, which is great for the environment.
  2. They’re incredibly energy-efficient, using about as much power as a small LED bulb.
  3. There are no moving parts, which means less maintenance and a longer lifespan.

While the upfront cost can be higher, electronic water softeners often pay for themselves through energy savings and reduced maintenance needs. Plus, you never have to buy salt!

Additional Benefits of Hard Water Softeners

A water softener for home doesn’t just save you money – it can improve your daily life in several ways:

  1. Softer Skin and Hair: Say goodbye to dry, itchy skin and hello to silky smooth hair. You might even be able to cut back on bathing soaps, moisturizers, shampoo and conditioners.
  2. Cleaner Clothes: Soft water helps your detergent work better, keeping your clothes cleaner and brighter for longer. This means you save big on detergent expenses and won’t need to replace your wardrobe as often.
  3. Spotless Dishes and Fixtures: No more water spots on your glasses or crusty buildup on your faucets. You’ll spend less time cleaning and less money on harsh cleaning products.

Making the Smart Choice for Your Home and Wallet

We hope this guide has shown you how a hard water softener for home can be a smart investment for your home. Whether you choose a traditional salt-based system, a salt-free conditioner, or an innovative electronic water softener, the benefits are clear: lower bills, longer-lasting appliances, and a more comfortable home.

Remember, the best hard water softener for you depends on your specific needs and water conditions. We’re always here to help you find the perfect solution for your home. After all, your comfort and savings are our top priorities!

So why wait? Start your journey to softer water today and watch those savings add up. Your wallet (and your skin, hair, clothes, and appliances) will thank you!

Top 5 Water Softeners for Houses in 2024

Top 5 Best Water Softeners for Houses in 2024 – Comprehensive Guide

What is Hard Water?

Hard water is a common problem in households as a majority of houses are supplied with hard water. Hard water is raw water that contains impure substances like magnesium and ions that are harmful for you to use in the long run. These impure substances will result in various skin problems, and hair problems as well and they will reduce the work life of appliances by developing scales on corrosion on the surfaces.

Moreover, your hair can become harsh and there is a severe chance of going bald. Hard water causes several skin problems, it will make your skin dry as well. Many people become allergic to hard water if used for the long term. Plumbing costs also increase as hard water causes cloaking and choking in the pipes. 

Why Water Softener is Important?

It is important to install a Water Softener System in your homes to save yourself from hard water as a water softener system is reliable in removing harmful substances like magnesium and ions. It can easily make the hard water soft and sufficient enough for use.

Moreover, water softener systems are like a one-time investment that will provide you with several benefits in the long run. It will help you increase your appliance’s work life by providing the proper water type that will maintain them, will not allow scales to develop, and prevent corrosion as well. Soft water will also nourish your hair and make your skin glow and soft as well. 

The evolution of the water softener systems started during the 18th and 19th centuries. Scottish Engineer Thomas Clark was recognized for the discovery of lime’s ability to soften the water in 1748. After that many companies launched their water softener system in the market the soften the hard water available, and new generations of water softeners were introduced. 

The hard water has gotten its hard nature from the particles like magnesium and calcium. To soften the water these particles are needed to be removed. To check if the water in your house is hard or not, add a little soap to it and if the water turns out to be soapy it’ll be soft water, and if not then it will be hard water. It is so because soap is easily mixed with soft water. 

There are various types of water softener systems available in the market. The Types of water softeners available in 2024 are as mentioned below:- 

Types of Water Softeners for Houses Available in 2024

  • Salt-based ion exchange systems 
  • Salt-free water conditioners 
  • Dual-tank water softeners 
  • Magnetic water softeners 
  • Reverse osmosis systems 

Salt-Based Ion Exchange System

A salt-based water softener typically works by drawing heavy minerals in the water, like calcium and magnesium, into a resin within the softener and exchanging them for sodium (salt). 

Salt-Free Water Conditioners

A salt-free water conditioner is a water treatment system that crystallizes magnesium and calcium minerals prevalent in hard water. These micro-crystals are unable to attach to pipes and water heaters in the form of scale. Water conditioners do not remove hardness minerals. 

Dual-Tank Water Softeners

Dual-tank water softener systems have 2 tanks in them. They have 2 resins present in them rather than 1 resin that helps them provide a continuous flow of soft water, without stopping the supply of soft water. This ensures that you have a continuous supply of water, even during regeneration. 

Magnetic Water Softener Systems

Magnetic water treatment (also known as anti-scale magnetic treatment or AMT) is a method of supposedly reducing the effects of hard water by passing it through a magnetic field as a non-chemical alternative to water softening. Magnetic water treatment is regarded as unproven and unscientific. 

Reverse Osmosis Systems

An RO system can soften water. However, constantly filtering hard water wears out the water purifier more quickly. Using an RO water system wastes a lot of water, so getting a water softener is a more economical solution if tackling water hardness is your top priority. 

Top 5 Best Water Softener for Houses in India in 2024 

Digigo E-Soft 5th Generation Water Softener

Digigo E-Soft is the number 1 Water Softener for Home in the market. It is the World’s first 5th generation Water Softener System. It converts water electronically rather than using any chemicals or salts. Moreover, it does not waste any water in the process of softening the water, unlike other water softener systems.

It gives you a work life of 30 years and it does not require any regular maintenance, even monthly or yearly maintenance. It softens water fully without any trace of hard water. It is eco-friendly and the best part is that it is 100% Made In India. It is the best hard water softener for home in 2024

KENT Water Softener

KENT is constantly innovating and providing solutions to protect people from harmful diseases. Driven by the purpose of offering good health to one and all, KENT is, without a doubt, the best guardian of your family’s health and lets you drink pure, breathe pure, eat pure & live pure. KENT is a very recognized brand in Water Softener Systems. With several benefits and features, KENT is constantly working to establish itself better in the market. 

3M Water Softeners

3M™ Fully Automatic Water Softener is available in two series namely SFT & WTS. It uses ion exchange technology for treating and softening hard water. It comes with a programmable multi-port valve thereby avoiding any manual intervention for its daily operation. Regeneration time can be set once and then the regeneration happens automatically while you are asleep. 

ZeroB Water Softener

ZeroB offers advanced and uniquely designed water softeners for homes that convert hard water into soft water. Our water softeners use non-electric automatic regeneration technology along with an ion exchange process that helps you get rid of that manual and time-consuming regeneration process.

Tata Swach Water Softener

Tata Swach Automatic Water Softener has been granted a place in the top 5 water softener systems in 2024. It has many pros such as no boiling required, zero water wastage, and chemical usage. 

We would recommend you to go for Digigo E-Soft, with various benefits it is budget-friendly as well. The service is also good and they respond pretty well. So what do you want more? Check out Digigo E-Soft NOW!!!

Boost Your Laundry Business With Water Softener

Boost Your Laundry Business With Water Softener: The Benefits of Using Soft Water

The laundry business is a responsible work as people trust you with their precious clothes and one slight mistake can ruin their clothes, and hence they can get disappointed easily. Which results in damage to your business and your reputation in the market. Your goodwill is also decreased if anything Happens to their clothes. Hard Water helps in damaging the clothes due to its harmful and hard Particles. 

How does Hard Water damage your clothes? 

Hard Water contains particles that are Hard in nature and can easily damage your clothes making them rough. Moreover, Hard Water includes particles such as Magnesium and ions which will degrade the quality of the clothes, making it poor in terms of quality. Moreover, Hard Water weakens the clothes making it easy to tear if used for a long time.

The brightness of the clothes are also reduced, making it dull and less appealing. The White clothes are seen yellowish in many cases, if frequently used for a longer time. Similarly, all the colors of the clothes tends to fade easily even if they are new, making them look old and rough. 

How does Hard Water increase your cost? 

Hard Water has many negative impacts but one of the primary negative impacts is that Hard Water makes you incur a lot of expenses and it’s impossible to avoid these expenses as they are interlinked to your business.

Hard Water helps in the corrosion of your pipes, it develops scales on your pipes resulting in reduced lifespan of your Pipes. Moreover, Hard Water requires more soap to form lather and many times Hard Water is not able to remove the dirt from the clothes efficiently. Soap is often left on the Clothes if washed with Hard Water. Hence, more amount of Water a well as efforts are required to wash clothes with Hard Water. 

How Soft Water can help you? 

Soft Water is Soft in nature and hence, its Soft nature helps to keep the clothes like new ones. The Soft Water keeps the cloth’s fabric Soft and Strong, making it long lasting. It doesn’t make the clothes color fade, the bright colors remain bright. There is absence of Yellowish color on White Clothes after washing. Soft Water removes the harmful particles like magnesium and ions so that your clothes can experience gentle wash. 

How can Soft Water save your money? 

Soft Water is not only beneficial for a client’s clothes but also brings many monetary benefits to the table. With Soft Water you can save lots of money. Soft Water doesn’t require much water to wash clothes and it is able to remove dirt easily. No amount of soap is left out on clothes during the procedure of Washing. Moreover, your plumbing cost will be saved as with Soft Water no scales on the pipes will be developed, no corrosion and no reduction in pipe’s lifespan. This way you can save your pipes and client’s clothes too.

The washing machine also gets damaged when Hard Water is used in washing the clothes. Whereas, in Soft Water the washing machine is not damaged and the lifespan of the machine is increased due to Soft Water. 

Why should you choose Digigo Water Softener? 

Digigo E-Soft is the World’s First 5th Generation Water Softener System. E-Soft tends to soften Water electronically rather than using amounts of chemicals or Salt. That means no additional chemicals will be dissolved in the client’s clothes which is quite beneficial for clothe’s life and strength. Moreover, Water is 100% Softened without any droplet of Hard Water left if Digigo E-Soft is installed.

Digigo is eco-friendly too as in the process of Water Softening not a single droplet of Water goes wasted unlike the wastage of Water done by most Water Softeners. Moreover, Digigo E-Soft promises a lifespan of more than 30 years. 

So what are you waiting for? Install Digigo E-Soft and grow your laundry business to several folds.

hard water problem in Civil Constructions & solution Hard Water Softener

Hard Water: A Big Threat to All Civil Constructions (Solution: Hard Water Softener)

The Foundation of Strong Structures: Importance of Water Quality in Civil Construction

From cloud-touching skyscrapers to bridges and highways, civil construction is the backbone of modern civilizations. However, the quality of water used in these projects plays a crucial, often overlooked, role in determining the strength and longevity of these structures. Just as a strong foundation is essential for a building’s stability, the quality of water used in construction can make or break the integrity of these engineering marvels. Explore how hard water create problems in construction industry and how Hard Water Softener help to prevent hard water issues.

The Hard Water Challenges

Hard water, characterized by high mineral content such as calcium and magnesium, can be a disaster in the world of civil construction. These minerals can be a terror on construction materials, leading to issues that compromise the structural integrity and durability of buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure projects.

One of the most significant challenges posed by hard water is its impact on concrete and cement mixtures. Hard water minerals can interfere with the chemical reactions necessary for proper curing and hardening of concrete, resulting in weaker and more porous structures. This can lead to premature cracking, crumbling, and even structural failures – a nightmare for any construction project.

Furthermore, hard water can accelerate corrosion in reinforced steel structures, weakening their strength and stability over time. This not only compromises the safety of the building but also leads to costly repairs and maintenance down the line.

Power of Soft Water 

Fortunately, Digigo has a solution that can safeguard civil construction project disasters of hard water – E-Soft’s revolutionary water softening technology.

E-Soft’s innovative water softening system works on the power of low-frequency electronic pulses to break down hard minerals into particles. These tiny particles are easily rinsed away, ensuring that construction materials are mixed with soft, pure water, free from any mineral contaminants.

Implementing E-Soft’s hard water softener and the result is…

  1. Stronger Concrete and Cement: Soft water ensures optimal chemical reactions, resulting in stronger, more durable concrete and cement mixtures.
  2. Extended Structural Lifespan: By eliminating mineral buildup and corrosion, E-Soft water softening technology helps extend the lifespan of buildings, bridges, and other structures.
  3. Cost Savings: Soft water reduces the need for frequent repairs and maintenance, translating into significant cost savings over time.
  4. Environmental Control: E-Soft water softening system operates without chemicals, salt, or water wastage, aligning with sustainable construction practices.
  5. No Maintenance: Unlike traditional softeners, E-Soft systems require no upkeep, freeing up valuable time and resources.

Consequences of Hard Water in Construction

While the benefits of soft water in civil construction are clear; hard water issues can have severe consequences. Imagine a scenario where a bridge, designed to withstand heavy traffic, begins to crumble prematurely due to hard water-induced corrosion. Or a high-rise building, once a symbol of architectural expertise, now collapsed by cracks and structural weaknesses due to improper concrete curing caused by hard water.

These nightmares are not imaginary; they are real-life examples of the disastrous hard water impacts on civil construction projects. By ignoring water quality, construction companies not only risk costly repairs and replacements but also put the safety of countless lives at risk.

Reliability of E-Soft

While numerous water softeners claim to address hard water issues, E-Soft stands apart as the world’s only 5th generation water softening technology, delivering unmatched efficiency and performance. 

Become a part of the increasing number of happy customers who have seen the big changes that E-Soft’s hard water softeners can bring. Accept a future where strong and long-lasting buildings are made on the base of pure, soft water, ensuring the safety and long life of your construction projects.

To all our civil construction professionals: Explore the possibilities of E-Soft’s water softening solutions and open up a world of strong structures, cost savings, and care for the environment. Together, we can build a future where every construction stands as proof of the power of quality water and new-thinking techniques.

Hard Water Softener for Ice Maker Businesses

Must Have Machine for Ice Makers: E-Soft Hard Water Softener

In the scorching Indian summers, a simple glass of cool, refreshing ice water can feel like a tree shelter in dessert. From beverages to ice creams and beyond, ice plays a vital role in fulfilling our thirst and keeping us refreshed. However, have you ever wondered about the quality of water used to produce that ice? The truth is, water quality can make or break the ice production business.

Impact of Water Hardness on Ice Manufacturing

Hard water, laden with minerals like calcium and magnesium, can be a major challenge for ice manufacturers. These minerals can affect machinery used in ice production, leading to scaling, clogging, and even equipment breakdowns. This not only results in costly repairs and downtime but can also compromise the quality and purity of the ice itself.

Moreover, hard water can affect the taste and clarity of the ice, making it less appealing to consumers. This can spell disaster for ice producers in an industry where appearance and flavors are paramount.

E-Soft Water Water Softener for Ice Makers

For too long, traditional water softeners have fallen short in addressing the unique challenges faced by ice manufacturers. Many of these systems rely on chemicals, waste water, or require frequent maintenance – adding unnecessary costs and environmental burdens.

E-Soft water softener for ice makers promises to revolutionize the ice production industry.

E-Soft’s innovative water softening system harnesses the power of low-frequency electronic pulses to break down hard minerals into micron particles. These tiny particles do not stick to each other; which eventually means no clogging, lime scale buildup, corrosion or equipment damage.

Installation of E-Soft water softener for ice makers lead to…
  1. Sparkling Ice Quality: With soft water, ice is crystal clear, free from mineral deposits, and gets a refreshing pure taste.
  2. Efficient Ice Coolers: No mineral buildup means your ice coolers operate at peak efficiency without any scaling issues.
  3. Eco-Friendly Operation: E-Soft’s water softening technology operates without chemicals, salt, or water wastage, aligning with sustainable business practices.
  4. Machinery Safeguarding: No more scaling or clogging means your ice production equipment runs smoothly, extending its lifespan and minimizing costly repairs.
  5. Low Maintenance: Unlike traditional softeners, E-Soft’s systems require minimal upkeep, freeing you from the hassle of frequent maintenance.
  6. Cost Savings: By enhancing equipment efficiency and longevity, E-Soft’s solutions translate into significant cost savings over time.
  7. Competitive Reputation: With superior ice quality and a commitment to sustainability, your business can gain a competitive advantage in the market.

The Only 5th Generation Water Softener for Unmatched Results

While numerous water softeners claim to address hard water issues, E-Soft stands apart as the world’s only 5th generation water softening technology, delivering unmatched efficiency and performance.

At Digigo, we take immense pride in being India’s number one water softener provider, offering localized solutions tailored to the Indian water conditions in various industries, including ice production.

Our commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction is consistent. We understand the challenges faced by businesses in the ice production sector, and our water softening systems (water softening technology) are designed to provide a hassle-free, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly hard water solution.

Join the growing community of satisfied customers who have experienced the transformative power of E-Soft’s hard water softeners and witnessed their business’s growth.

Remove Hard Water Stains from Home Appliances

How to Remove Hard Water Stains From Your Home Appliances?

Hard Water stains are a common problem in homes as well as in industries. These are created due to the usage of Hard Water that runs through these appliances.

Hard Water can have a negative impact on your appliance and is capable enough to reduce the efficiency. Hard Water contains several minerals that are not beneficial rather acts as a slow poison for the lifespan of your appliance. 

Here are some ways to Remove Hard Water Stains from your home appliances and make them clean from all the scales. 

5 Ways to Remove Hard Water Stains From Home Appliances

Remove hard water stains from home appliances
Remove hard water stains using Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural way of cleaning the stains and scales from your appliances. If you don’t want to use Harsh chemicals or unnatural ways then Vinegar is the best choice. Just add some vinegar in the spray bottle and spray it on the surface, let it be there for around 15 minutes and after that clean it with a brush or loofah. If it seems to dry up then add some more vinegar to keep it moist. You can use several different types of vinegar to remove hard water stains, including white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. Try using whatever you have on hand first. If it doesn’t do the trick, look for cleaning vinegar, which is more acidic for superior power against hard water stains. 

Remove hard water stains using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is really powerful while cleaning the stains from the Hard Water. Hydrogen Peroxide can easily remove soap scums as well as stains from the bathing area or washrooms accumulated during the shower. 

Remove hard water stains using Cream of Tartar

For exclusive cleaning make a paste of Tartar cream type of baking powder, and apply it to the stained area. Let it sit for up to 30 minutes, and then scrub with a damp sponge to reveal the results of your efforts. 

Remove hard water stains using Baking Soda

Yet another item easily available at home, Baking Soda can clean your tiles as well as Hard Water stains easily without any problem. Apply Baking Soda paste on the stain and wait for a few minutes then clean it with a scrub or brush. And there your shiny new looking tiles will be waiting for you. 

Remove hard water stains using Fluoride Toothpaste

Brushing your teeth with Fluoride toothpaste is beneficial but did you know that it can help you clean your appliances and remove Hard Water stains. Apply the paste on the stained surface and wait for a few minutes and then brush it with a scrub or loofah and there you’ll have a clean shiny surface. 

Remove hard water stains using DIGIGO Water Softeners

Hard Water is a common issue in every sector such as residential, agriculture, commercial and industries. So, to cure these problems these are temporary solutions you’ll be able to clean but the surface will become full of stains over a period of time. So solution of remove hard water stains permanently is DIGIGO Water Softeners, Water softeners that uses zero salt and zero chemicals to convert the Hard Water into Soft Water. 

Digigo Esoft Water Softener

Digigo provide Water Softener for Home, Water Softener for Agriculture, Water Softener for Industry, Water Softener for Commercial Use.

Digigo E-Soft is attached to the water supply pipe and is capable of converting the Hard Water into, without using any chemicals. E-Soft removes harmful minerals from the Hard Water converting it into Soft Water. Hard Water can be harmful to skin as it may cause some allergy and result in baldness. Moreover, it will reduce your machine life. So, we recommend you to choose a Water Softener System as per your requirements. For the best Water Softener, choose DIGIGO.


7 Advantages of DIGIGO Water Softeners : A Market-Leading Water Softener Solution

In this blog, We shared top 7 advantages of Digigo Water Softeners.


Digigo E-Soft doesn’t use chemicals or salt

For softening the water Digigo doesn’t use any chemical or salt. This means Digigo water softeners is free from harmful chemicals that could act as a slow poison in the long run as well as salt that could result in severe health problems. In Salt softener which uses salt to make Soft Water there are a lot of residues left but in E-Soft no residue is left. Salt Softeners uses sodium that is left making residue and making it toxic. Moreover, the environment also remains healthy and green due to less wastage of water as well as less concentrated water. That means Reduction in Water pollution as well as land pollution. 

No requirement of maintenance

DIGIGO Water Softeners doesn’t not require regular maintenance, that means savings in money and increase in productivity yayyyyy! Digigo E-Soft is capable enough to go without maintenance, even if it is weekly, monthly or yearly maintenance. Now that is called a smart product. Are you smart enough to understand the intelligence of this product? We think you are, what do you say? 

Decrease in money usage

Money usage on salt keeps on decreasing as with Digigo Water Softener System, you don’t have to purchase salt to soften your water or convert hard water into soft water. Again savings of money double yayyyyy! No usage of Salt means natural water with natural minerals, beneficial for your health. Now that’s healthy, isn’t it? 

Reduction in electricity bill

We are again gonna save your money, you ask how? Through your electricity bill. We will reduce your electricity bill to a minimum amount with our DIGIGO Water Softeners as the Soft Water will be heated easily in the geyser and your geyser will be operated in the optimum level and the Soft Water will be heated with 30% less energy, saving your money about 30% in your electricity bill. As you don’t require to work with hard water after the installation of Digigo, So the energy used to work with hard water will be reduced to minimum, saving lots of money. Now That’s good, isn’t it? 

Reasonable price

Let’s save your money once again, shall we? With DIGIGO Automatic Water Softeners benefits there is one more benefit that the price of our product is reasonable. Whether it is residential, commercial, Industrial or Agriculture sector we are keen to serve each and every sector and that too at a low price. Our product is reasonable as well as reliable irrespective of the sectors. Our prices are lower than the savings of yours after installing our product. Digigo E-Soft is highly beneficial, isn’t it? 

Relief from corrosion

DIGIGO Water Softeners will remove your lime and corrosion generated ages before too. Within 3 months, your lime or corrosion will disappear like there was no corrosion. Not a single stain. Now that is called an ideal product doesn’t it? 

Huge lifespan

The life of DIGIGO Water Softeners is more than 30 years, isn’t it fabulous? That means even generations will change but Digigo E-Soft will keep on working and treating your Hard Water problems. This also means no requirement of a new E-Soft machine for about 30 years, SAVINGS SAVINGS SAVINGS!!! Seems like Digigo E-Soft is the metaphor for savings, doesn’t it? 

Easy Installation of Digigo Water Softeners at various places

Are you convinced to go for our Digigo DIGIGO Water Softeners? If not, it’s totally fine, you can read other blogs too on our website or read more about our product or aout us and then make a decision. We’ll be waiting to hear from you.

DIGIGO Water Softeners in Various Sectors

DIGIGO Water Softener for Home

DIGIGO Water Softener for Agriculture

DIGIGO Water Softener for Industry

DIGIGO Water Softener for Commercial Use

Water Day Save Water with Water Softener

How to Save Water Efficiently and How can E-Soft Water Softener Help You in Various Sectors?

Water is one of the most precious boons to human life as well as to all the organisms on Planet Earth. Water is really valuable is what people say but we often see these people wasting the water. Would you consider it a two faced person? We will. Water is invaluable as there is no alternative of water and water on Earth is limited and is decreasing day by day because of unnecessary use and increase in wastage of Water.

So, today on the auspicious day of Water Day we are gonna give you ideas regarding how to save water and how Esoft Water Softener help you to save water. 

How can you Save Water in the Agriculture Sector? 

Agriculture sector is a sector which is fully dependent on Water. Without water, Agriculture could not work even a little bit. The maximum amount of water usage is done in the agriculture sector. The Agriculture Sector is engaged in producing crops and one can’t grow crops without sufficient supply of water. Here are some ways to help you save water while still you can produce crops easily. 

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is the most efficient way to provide crops with the necessary water and nutrients for optimal growth. This method delivers water and nutrients directly to the root zone of each plant in precise amounts and at the right time. As a result, farmers can achieve higher yields while using less water, fertilizer, and energy. Drip irrigation allows for precise and targeted application of resources, reducing waste and maximizing the efficiency of water and nutrient use in agriculture. 

Water Harvesting

Water harvesting and reuse systems are designed to collect and store runoff and storm water, which can be used later for various purposes. These systems have local benefits, such as reducing runoff volume and preventing water quality degradation downstream. 

Dry Farming

Dry farming is a method of crop production that does not rely on irrigation during dry seasons, but instead utilizes moisture stored in the soil from the previous rainy season. It is a location-specific, low-input strategy for growing crops within the constraints of the climate. In this approach, a crop may receive minimal irrigation or none at all. 

Crops Resistant to Drought

Farmers can enhance their crop productivity per unit of water by cultivating crops that are well-suited to the local climate. Drought-resistant crops are particularly advantageous, as they can reduce the risk of crop failure during periods of water scarcity, improve overall yields, and enhance economic stability for farmers. 

How can E-Soft Water Softener Help in Agriculture? 

Normal water used in agriculture is considered as hard water, which can destroy your precious crops and soak away the beneficial nutrition from it. That is when Digigo water softener can help.

Installation of Digigo Esoft Agriculture Water Softener at Sidhhapur Farm.

When the plants are sprinkled with Hard Water, the water left on land evaporates at a great rate resulting in Water Loss. Due to this we have to water more as compared to the regular time intervals. This is in the case of Hard Water, when Soft Water is sprinkled then the land gets Soft and the water is stored in the moisture making it more efficient and hence, less water is required.

It saves almost 40% of Water, so to save the Water E-Soft Water Softener for Agriculture is the most reliable and best System to save Water. Hard Water makes the land hard and hence, the Water does not go to the roots deeply and evaporation occurs. Soft land because of Soft Water makes water reach roots properly and requirement of Water decreases.

Esoft water softener can easily convert your hard water into soft water. This soft water will soothe your plants and will help them grow rapidly. Soft water from Digigo can increase the lifespan of your plant and can increase yield up to 50%*. It will also save many liters of water. 

How can you Save Water in the Industrial Sector?

Industrial sector is one of the pioneers in the usage of Water. Industries highly depend on Water for production. Huge amounts of Water is used in  the production and the water is destroyed with harmful particles and then dumped which causes Water Pollution and disturbs Mother Earth. The Ways to reduce water wastage in the industrial sector are given below. 

Reuse Water

Many applications of water in industrial facilities have options for reusing water. Examples include condensate from boilers and blowdown water from cooling towers. Reusing used Water can help reduce Water requirement and hence, can solve the problem of Excessive Water Requirement. 

Protection System against Water Loss

Protect your industrial systems against water loss to reduce the need to add water. As noted, fixing leaks is essential. However, preventing leaks is just as critical. The water chemistry plays a role in preventing leaks inside closed loop systems, cooling towers and boilers. These systems can save a lot of Money and Water in the long run. 

Don’t Dump Unfiltered Water in the Open Environment

While doing the production the industries tend to make the Water impure in the production. This unfiltered bad Water is mostly dumped in the Open rivers or Environment which can cause a lot of Water Pollution, Air Pollution and Land Pollution. The dumping of Water should be done only after treating it and making it clean otherwise it can destroy nature. 

Replacing Small Components

Where possible, use high-pressure, low volume hoses, nozzles, and spray heads for cleaning and rinsing units, or wherever appropriate. Automatic shutoff nozzles can also help to reduce water waste, especially for manual hoses and sprayers used for cleaning purposes. These types of changes typically entail minimal investment and deliver immediate cost savings. 

How can you Save Water with E-Soft Water Softener for Industry? 

Industries require Soft Water for production. With the installation of Esoft Water Softener for Industry, the requirement of Soft Water will be fulfilled and Digigo water softener does not waste a single drop of Water during the Water conversion process so no amount of Water is wasted and no chemicals are used to convert Hard Water into Soft Water with E-Soft Industrial Water Softener making it Environment Friendly.

Digigo Industrial Water Softener Installation at FCG Hi Tech Pvt. Ltd. Vapi.

Hard Water has to be replaced again and again to keep the cooling chamber working. But in the case of Soft Water, you don’t require a regular chance. Many industries use RO water and hence, it creates a lot of wastage of water, this unuseful water can be softened again and hence, can be used in work. It can replace RO and Raisin based Water Softener, if the water quality in a region is more appropriate. 

How can you Save Water in the Commercial Sector? 

Commercial sector also uses Water on a daily basis. It includes Washing, cleaning, laundering and many more tasks. Here are some ways to Save Water in the Commercial Sector. 

Regulate Water Pressure

Water pressure levels can be a great indicator of your commercial building’s overall plumbing health. Ideally, building water pressure should be between 65-80 psi, anything above that range can damage fixtures and increase the chance of pipe bursts. When the pressure is high then more amount of Water is used. So, use Water on low pressure mode to save Water. 

Install Water Monitoring Smart Technology

With a smart monitoring system, you have access to your property’s hourly, daily, and monthly water consumption data. Property water consumption is also broken down into metrics like average gallons per day, estimated cost per year, and estimated cost per square foot or unit per year. Having this kind of information can assist with facility benchmarking efforts, as well as illustrate the efficiency of water use best practices. Water flow meter also helps you determine the amount of water used as well as wastage of Water. 

Install Rain Sensors on Irrigation

If your property has an irrigation system, installing rain sensors can be one of the easiest ways to save water. When precipitation is detected, rain sensors place a stop on your irrigation system to reduce unnecessary watering. As soon as the rain stops, the rain sensors will turn off and resume the irrigation system’s programmed schedule. 

Insulate Piping

In many existing buildings, domestic hot water pipes are either uninsulated, or done so improperly. Consequently, building water users are required to wait for hot water to flow, resulting in considerable water waste. In addition to conservation through the immediate delivery of hot water, proper pipe insulation can also reduce energy consumption by controlling heat loss. 

How can you Save Water with Esoft Commercial Water Softener? 

With Esoft Commercial Water Softener, you will get Soft Water for the usage in the Commercial Sector which will be beneficial for you. The Soft Water from Digigo E-Soft will be helpful in cleaning as well as washing.

Easy Installation of Digigo Water Softeners at various places

The soft Water from water softener will make the cleaning process efficient and effective as a result less water will be required. Moreover, The water required for laundering will be reduced as Soft Water will easily remove the dirt. Hard Water results in producing scales in your appliances which can result in leakage hence, water loss. So, with Soft Water from water softener no chance of scale, no chance of leakage and no chance of Water Wastage.

There is less leakage in the lines of Soft water. 200% of savings in water used for cleaning utensils and laundry. Due to reduction in Water Logging, water wastage is reduced. Moreover, it helps in landscaping too. Soft Water used in Swimming pools can also be reused. The task of Water cleaning also becomes easy with Soft Water. 

How can you Save Water in the Residential Sector? 

Unnecessary Water usage is a major problem in the Residential Sector, huge amounts are wasted for cleaning and washing activities at home. Here are some ways which can help you save Water. 

Check your toilet for leaks

Put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. If, without flushing, the coloring begins to appear in the bowl, you have a leak that may be wasting more than 100 gallons of water a day. 

Take shorter showers

A typical shower uses five to ten gallons of water a minute. Limit your showers to the time it takes to soap up, wash down and rise off. 

Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors

Your hardware or plumbing supply store stocks inexpensive shower heads or flow restrictors that will cut your shower flow to about three gallons a minute instead of five to ten. They are easy to install, and your showers will still be cleansing and refreshing. 

If you wash dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing

If you have two sinks, fill one with rinse water. If you have only one sink, first gather all your washed dishes in a dish rack, then rinse them quickly with a spray device or a pan of water. By doing this you can save a lot of Water which usually goes wasted by flowing into the sink without any usage. 

How can Esoft Water Softener for Home Save Water in Residential Sector? 

E-Soft Water Softener for Home will convert the Hard Water into the Soft Water as a result Water flowing from your pipe will be Soft and efficient for work.

Water Softener for Home installation at Maharana

This Soft Water will be suitable for the cleaning process as the lather will be made and dirt will be removed easily. Moreover, the Soap Scum will be easily washed and the requirement of Water to remove the Soap Scum will be less. Due to easy removal of dirt, Water saving increases.

Soft Water Advantages vs Hard Water Disadvantages 1

Hard Water Disadvantages vs. Soft Water Advantages: Making the Choice Clear

A residential E-Soft is a household water softener appliance designed to reduce the hardness of water by breaking as well as neutralizing minerals such as calcium and magnesium ions.

landing digio machin

The Digigo E-Soft usually treats the Hard Water from tap and converts it into soft water. Soft water is best for Residential usage as the soft water is m6ore beneficial compared to hard water. Here we explain Hard water disadvantages and Soft water benefits.

Hard Water Disadvantages

Hard water problems such as scale buildup in plumbing and appliances, soap scum on surfaces, reduced soap effectiveness, and damage to water-using appliances. To solve these problems we have made a product that is prominent for your usage Digigo E-Soft, the ideal water softener for your home. 

Hard water is harsh for your skin and for your hair too. Soft water can be used for bathing which will give great results compared to Hard Water. Have sensitive skin? Don’t want skin itching? Don’t want skin irritation? Use Digigo E-Soft. 

Hard water can destroy your pipes by building a limescale on it. Soft water makes the flow of water from pipes smooth and vanishes the limescale that had happened earlier. This will save your money for maintenance and plumber. This will benefit you in the long run. 

Advantages of Soft Water

With soft water, you can keep your bathroom clean. How, you ask? Soft water avoids lathering to occur resulting in a proper cleaner bathroom. Soaps and shampoos lather more easily in soft water, so you’ll need less soap for bathing and cleaning. The formation of scales in bathrooms or washrooms can be stopped with the help of Digigo E-Soft. 

With the help of Digigo E-Soft you can increase the life of your water heater, moreover, it will work smoothly and more efficiently. There will be great savings in the electricity bill too as the energy required to heat the Soft Water is less compared to the Hard Water. 

Who doesn’t like Soft and bright colored clothes? With Soft Water from Digigo, you’ll get soft clothes as well as clothes that are bright in colors. Soft water is gentler on fabrics, and it can help your laundry detergents and soaps work more effectively. As a result, your clothes will be cleaner, softer, and maintain their color and quality for longer. 

Hard Water contains several impurities in it which makes the work of cleaning difficult, The soft water is gentle and can easily remove dirt from floor as well as from utensils. Soft water has been proven highly effective in cleaning as well as washing as compared to Hard water. Study shows that Soft water used to water the plants is better as the harshness of Hard Water will not be there and the plants will get smooth water which will boost their growth and result in greener plants. 

Soft water is better for hair too. Bathing with hard water can result in baldness. Soft water nourishes hair roots and helps them grow longer. Moreover, it saves skin from burning that can be caused by Hard Water. 

So, now the choice is yours, Hard water or Soft water? Want to take benefits of Soft water and make a soft living or face problems by using the harsh Hard water. Which one are you gonna choose? Ease living or turf living? 

Get soft water for your home with Digigo E-Soft Water Softener for Home.

How to choose best water softener for home

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Hard Water Softener for Home

For centuries, people relied on natural water sources like wells, rivers, and lakes for their daily water needs. These sources had generally clean and safe water to consume directly. Because this water contained less amount of hard minerals. 

However, as years by years, the population grew and industrialization led, these natural water sources became polluted by chemicals and higher levels of dissolved minerals in the water. Suddenly, the water we used for drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning was no longer as pure as before. Hence the need for water softener for home emerged.

Hard Water Damage to Our Homes:

Today, municipal water systems treat water to remove many polluting substances before they reach our homes. But this treatment is not enough to remove all dissolved minerals that cause water to be “hard.” Hard water contains high levels of calcium and magnesium that can create issues in every household. These issues are majorly affecting our health, grooming, plumbing and water using appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, geysers, etc. 


Our health starts with the kitchen because “we become what we consume”. Firstly it starts from drinking water. We are consuming hard minerals directly without any mineral filtration. Installing a water softener for home can help filter out these minerals. Then washing vegetables and fruits, cooking, and at the end dish washing with softened water. If water plays this much important role in the kitchen, then think how much it can affect our health if the water itself is not safe? A quality water softener for your home provides safe, mineral-free water for all your household needs.

Hygiene and Cleaning: 

Have you ever thought before choosing the right bathing soap and shampoo? Then why the water is not bothering you which is the most essential of all? 

Not only this, the clothes you are wearing, the washrooms you are using, the showers, taps and what not! You are being attacked by hard water from every corner of your home. To combat the stains, soap scum, and scale buildup caused by hard water in your bathroom, a hard water softener can transform regular hard tap water into softened water, leaving your tubs, tiles, and fixtures cleaner and easier to maintain.

Water Using Appliances: 

Hard minerals make the water sticky. Hence the water minerals stick to the pipes and the parts of the appliances. Hard water minerals clog the pipes and kill the plumbing with corrosion. It damages the efficiency of the machines and eventually, they start consuming more energy and electricity. 

Hard water softener for your washing machine can significantly reduce mineral buildup and improve cleaning performance by allowing detergents to be more effective. Even after consuming too much energy and repairing costs, they don’t give effective results. 

Geysers using soft water automatically get longer life because E-Soft keeps the heating tanks cleaner from inside and saves energy.

Factors to be Considered while Choosing Water Softener for Home

Water Hardness Level: 

The first step in choosing the right hard water softener for home is to determine just how hard your water is. Water hardness refers to the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium minerals and is measured in grains per gallon (GPG). 

Understanding your exact GPG hardness level is important because it determines the capacity required for your water softener system. Higher hardness levels mean more mineral removal is needed. 

There are a few ways to test your water hardness level at home: 

  1. DIY Water Test Strips – Inexpensive test strips allow you to dip a small sample of your water and visually analyze the colour change to estimate hardness on a basic scale. 
  2. Professional Testing – Many water softening treatment companies offer free in-home water testing services to precisely measure hardness levels and other factors affecting your water quality. 

Size of Home: 

The size of your home is another key factor that impacts what type and capacity of water softener you will need. Larger homes with more bathrooms, appliances, and occupants will require a system that can handle greater water demands. Having an undersized tank for the water demands of your home will lead to reduced effectiveness. 


Budget is always an important aspect to be considered when making any major home purchase or upgrade. Water softener for home can range widely in price based on the type, size, and features. Beyond just the upfront machinery costs, some ongoing operational expenses affect your budget planning like salt or potassium pallets, electricity usage or maintenance. When considering budget, it’s wise to look at long-term cost savings. Softened water helps appliances last longer, lowers detergent costs, and even reduces costly plumbing repairs. 

Efficiency of Water Softener: 

Digigo Water Softener for Home efficiency relates to how well the system removes the hardness of minerals while minimizing water usage. More efficient models save you money over time. Higher efficiency equals lower operating costs for the lifetime of the softener. 


Proper maintenance is essential for ensuring your water softener operates at peak performance for many years. Many softeners demand salt or potassium monitoring, filter changes, periodical cleaning, resin recharge, or professional servicing. These maintaining functions consume your time, money and most important your comfort and peace. 

Which Water Softener is Best for Home?

You must be thinking now that it is too much complicated to choose the right water softener according to your needs and budget without compromising on quality and efficiency. Yes, we agree on this. That is why we have been working tirelessly for years to find the right water treatment solution that can match your needs. 

After doing 7 years of research and development we have found the right solution. You must be thinking how can we say this out of this confidence? 

Digigo Water Softener for Home only one in the globe who has cracked the hard water code with the highest efficiency of 100%. E-Soft is invented, manufactured and launched by DIGIGO; truly Made-in-India. The scientific name of E-Soft is Electro Hydro Enhancer. This water softener works on the principle of low-frequency electronic pulses. To know the invention, development and technology behind E-Soft read our blog [link]. 

Let’s find out how we solve the diverse hard water problems with just one water softening system. 

Advantages of E-Soft Water Softener For Home: 

  1. E-Soft Water Softener for Home breaks down the bigger size hard minerals into microns so that the particles of minerals do not stick inside the pipes. Not only that E-Soft is the only water softener that clears the existing scale buildup from pipes and keeps the plumbing system always clean and flowing. 
  2. Electric and gas geysers are the most sensible appliances for homes because they are the most destroyed by hard water. By cleaning the heating and cooling appliances from the inside E-Soft water softener saves money, energy and electricity. 
  3. Soft water dissolves easily with soap creating better foaming. Eventually, the cleaning process becomes easy and effective. You save 50% on cleaning agents like soap, detergent, acid or dish washing liquids. You achieve the best hygiene and cleanliness because soft water leaves no stains on surface after mopping, no water spots on dishes after washing and no detergent stiffness after drying clothes. 
  4. No more dirty bacterial bathrooms and toilets! E-Soft removes algae and yellow stains caused by hard water from tiles and toilets. It saves you time and effort in cleaning and maintaining hygiene. 
  5. Hardness of water sticks to the scalp and damages hair follicles; which results in hair damage and hair fall. Apart from that, washing clothes and bathing with hard water may also cause skin problems. Installing E-Soft water softener for your shower can result in softer skin and hair, reduced soap, shampoo and oil usage, and easier cleanup of soap scum and mineral deposits from your shower heads and taps.
  6. Using E-Soft Whole house water softener can save cooking fuel. Food cooked with soft water takes less time and fuel. This helps you cook healthy and tasty meals faster. 
  7. Is your home garden wilting and diseased? Then you need an E-Soft water softener. Soft water keeps plant roots healthy and strong, helping plants grow better. This reduces the need for pesticides and fertilizers. It also increases greenery in plants and saves 50% water usage.

Invest in Comfortable Home

Investing in a quality water softener is a smart decision. While there are many options on the market, E-Soft stands out as a highly efficient and low-maintenance solution developed right here in India. By following the key factors outlined – like assessing water hardness, home size, budget, and maintenance needs – you can find the perfect water softening system for your household. Take control of your home’s water quality today with E-Soft. Make the switch for a healthier comfortable home.