Category Archives: Industrial Water Softener

Water Softener for Plastic Industries

How Industrial Water Softener Helps Plastic Industries to Improve Their Operations? 

Industries are the pioneers in the contribution of the economy and industries have to take the smallest steps to reach the maximum profits and increase their efficiency. Industries use water regularly and in huge amounts for production or to do backend work as well. The requirement for water in industries is undeniable and no industry can carry out even a single function without water. 

The normal water coming to the industry is hard and it has various negative impacts on the appliances, machinery, and production.

Hard water contributes to developing scales on the surfaces which will destroy the efficiency of the machine and reduce its work life as well. Corrosion also occurs on the machinery due to hard water. The production is also slowed because of the hard water and the quality of production is also poor. Other than that, drinking hard water can be harmful in the long run due to harmful particles like magnesium and ions present in it. 

It is recommended to use soft water in industries as it will have a good and positive impact on machinery, the production will be better and the water flow will be smooth as well. It is also preferable to drink soft water rather than harmful hard water. Moreover, the cleaning will also be eased and hygiene will also be maintained if soft water is used for cleaning purposes and mopping. 

Why Should Plastic Industries Use Soft Water? 

Plastic-making industries should use Soft water because Water is highly used in the making of plastic and if the water is not good and has some flaws then the whole lot might get rejected and it will result in a loss to the industry. Soft Water will keep your machinery maintained as no scale or corrosion will be developed and the production will be increased as well. The life of the machinery might get upgraded as well. The soft water will complement the outcome of the production, that is, Plastic to have better quality and be more efficient. 

Why Should you Opt for Digigo Water Softener for Plastic Industries? 

You should opt for Digigo E-Soft as the Water Softener System for your Industry as Digigo E-Soft is the World’s First 5th Generation Water Softener System and it converts water electronically rather than using harmful chemicals or salts. This means your money will be saved which might get utilized on chemicals or salts if you would have purchased some other Water Softener System.

Moreover, the soft water from Digigo E-Soft will be so efficient that it will easily remove the existing scales from the surfaces. Moreover, it does not require regular maintenance or even monthly or yearly maintenance. It is budget friendly as well and the price is a lot less as compared to the benefits it provides. Digigo Industrial Water Softener also gives you a work-life of 30 years. The best thing about Digigo E-Soft is that it does not waste even a single droplet of water while softening the water, which means it is eco-friendly as well. 

Below is a Testimonial of Digigo Industrial Water Softener for Plastic Industries installation at Aye One Plastic Works, Vadodara, Gujarat.

Digigo Industrial Water Softener installation at Aye One Plastic WorksVadodara Gujarat 390004
Innovative Industrial Water Softener Solution for Industrial Wastewater Treatment

The Eco-Friendly Solution for Industrial Wastewater Treatment

In the world of industries, where production and efficiency reign supreme, a silent challenge often goes unnoticed – Industrial Wastewater Treatment. From manufacturing plants to chemical factories, industrial processes’ byproducts can pose a significant threat to the environment and public health if not properly treated.

The Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) are the unsung heroes of industrial operations. These facilities are dedicated to removing contaminants and pollutants from wastewater before safely releasing them back into the environment. At the heart of these plants lie two critical components:

1) the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and 2) the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).

The Effluent Treatment Plants are Guardians of Environmental Integrity. The ETP is responsible for treating the wastewater generated from industrial processes, ensuring that harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and other pollutants are removed before discharge. This process is crucial in preserving the integrity of our water bodies and minimizing the impact on aquatic life and surrounding ecosystems.

The Sewage Treatment Plants are Safeguards of Public Health Complementing the ETP is the STP, which focuses on treating domestic wastewater from industrial facilities. This step is essential in preventing the spread of waterborne diseases and maintaining safe and hygienic conditions for workers and local communities.

The Regulatory Imperative

Meeting Pollution Control Board Standards In India, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and respective State Pollution Control Boards have set stringent guidelines for the Industrial Wastewater Treatment. These regulations aim to protect our precious water resources and promote sustainable practices within the industrial sector.

Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in hefty fines, legal repercussions, and, more importantly, severe environmental consequences. It is a responsibility that no industry can afford to neglect.

Introducing E-Soft Industrial Water Softener: The Sustainable Solution for Industrial Wastewater Treatment. While conventional wastewater treatment methods may have their limitations, E-Soft Industrial Water Softener offers a revolutionary approach that not only meets but exceeds the pollution control board’s standards. Our innovative water softening technology harnesses the power of low-frequency electronic pulses to break down hard minerals and impurities in wastewater, rendering it safe and reusable.

Benefits of E-Soft’s Industrial Water Softener for Industrial Wastewater Treatment

  1. Sustainable Water Management: E-Soft softens the wastewater from Reverse Osmosis (RO) processes, enabling industries to reuse this valuable resource for various purposes, such as gardening, toilets, and non-potable applications.
  2. Water Conservation: By recycling and reusing wastewater, industries can significantly reduce their water consumption, contributing to the conservation of this precious natural resource.
  3. Cost Savings: Conventional water softening methods often involve the use of chemicals and frequent maintenance, which can be costly. E-Soft’s eco-friendly technology eliminates these expenses, resulting in substantial long-term savings.
  4. Environmental Benefits: With no chemicals, salt, or water wastage, E-Soft’s water softening process aligns with sustainable practices, minimizing the industry’s environmental footprint.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: By consistently producing high-quality, softened wastewater that meets or exceeds pollution control board standards, industries can operate with confidence, avoiding legal and financial penalties.

Saving Water, Building a Better Future

At DIGIGO, we know industries struggle to balance production with caring for our environment. That’s why we created innovative Industrial Wastewater Treatment systems. These systems not only follow regulations but also help conserve precious water.

As India’s leading Industrial Water Softener manufacturer, we understand each industry has unique needs. That’s why we offer custom solutions for businesses across the country. Our E-Soft water softeners are designed to be easy to use, affordable, and kind to the environment by treating wastewater effectively.

We invite you, to join us on this journey! Together, we can create a more sustainable future where industries succeed while protecting our planet. By using our water softeners, you’ll be part of a team safeguarding our natural resources for future generations.

Let’s work together to show the world that industries can be environmental leaders, inspiring others to do the same. With E-Soft on your side, you can have industrial wastewater treatment that contributes to a greener tomorrow.

Different Types of Water Treatment Technology in Industry

How Different Water Treatment Technology Is Used In The Industries

What is an Industrial Water Treatment System? 

An industrial Water Treatment System is a system which is used to treat the Hard Water in industries and make it usable for production and for other works such as consumption and disposal. This system is used in every industry irrespective of what their work is and what they produce because every production requires Water to carry out processes. There various ways to treat water in industries such as: 

  • Raw Water Treatment Systems 
  • Boiler Feed Water Treatment Systems 
  • Cooling Tower Water Treatment Systems 
  • WasteWater Treatment Systems 

What is a Raw Water Treatment System? 

Raw water treatment System is usually used for industries because it is essential to make sure your raw water is a fine product in an efficient manner. The appropriate raw water treatment plant design will help the facility to avoid high-priced plants for future loss. The good design can also help to avoid the tricky issues and costly renovation fees. It is used to treat the flow of Raw Water into usable Water. 

What are Boiler Feed Water Treatment Systems? 

Boiler water treatment system is used to control alkalinity, prevent scaling, correct pH, and to control conductivity. The boiler water needs to be alkaline and not acidic, so that it does not ruin the tubes. There can be too much conductivity in the feed water when there are too many dissolved solids. 

What is a Cooling Tower Water Treatment System? 

Cooling tower water treatment involves using select filtration technologies and chemical products in order to remove toxic or otherwise damaging impurities from your cooling tower system. 

What is Wastewater Treatment System? 

Wastewater Treatment System is used to convert Water into usable form and hence, reduce the Wastage of Water. The most appropriate wastewater treatment system will help the facility avoid harming the environment, human health, and a facility’s equipment, process or products. It will also help the facility curb heavy fines and possible legal action if wastewater is being improperly discharged to either the environment or publicly owned treatment works. The relative complexity of a wastewater treatment system will depend heavily upon the compliance regulations impacting your plant and the composition of your waste stream. 

What Would happen if untreated Water is used? 

It is necessary to treat water before using it because untreated water can disrupt industrial processes. A high level of mineral content in water, for example, may create unwanted problems such as streaking and spotting during the application of industrial coatings. Minerals can build up on the components of industrial boiler equipment too, causing scaling. 

What is Digigo E-Soft? 

Digigo E-Soft is a revolution in the Water Softener industry. E-Soft is mastered in converting Hard Water into Soft Water. Moreover, in the conversion of Soft Water a lot of Water is wasted and disposed of in the environment which causes various forms of pollution such as, Water pollution, Air Pollution, land Pollution and other forms of pollution too. But with Digigo E-Soft, the water is converted electronically and fully without wasting a single droplet of Water. Made in India, Made by Indians. 

How is Digigo E-Soft better than all these systems for industries? 

Digigo E-Soft is free from the usage of chemicals which can be dangerous for your health as well as your appliance’s life. Moreover, it doesn’t require any Salt for conversion of Water.E-Soft helps to save a lot of energy as the Soft Water from Water Softener System is easily utilized in work tasks and other objectives as compared to Hard Water. Every production requires Water which is suitable and Soft Water is the best suited for your production. E-Soft does not promote any type of scale or corrosion, so that your appliances can work smoothly without any disruptions. Digigo E-Soft Made in India, Made by Indians.


The Crucial Role of Industrial Water Softener in India’s Food Sector

As a nation obsessed with flavors and culinary delights, India boasts a diverse and thriving food industry. From street food stalls to haute cuisine restaurants, food processing plants to beverage manufacturers – water plays a pivotal role in every aspect of this vital sector. However, the quality of water used can make or break the taste, safety, and shelf life of food products. This is where proper Industrial Water Softener becomes indispensable.

Importance of Water Quality In Food Sector

Water is arguably the most important ingredient in the food industry. It is not only used for cooking, cleaning, and sanitization purposes but also constitutes a major component of many food items. Thus, the quality of water used can directly impact:

Food Safety: Contaminants like harmful bacteria, chemicals, or particulate matter in water can easily find their way into food products, posing severe health risks to consumers. Proper treatment ensures water is free from such hazards.

Food Taste: The mineral composition of water can significantly influence the taste of beverages like tea, coffee, juices as well as cooked dishes. Hard water often imparts an unpleasant flavor due to its high dissolved solids content.

Shelf Life: Microbiological contaminants in water can accelerate spoilage, reducing the shelf life of perishable food items like dairy products, baked goods, and processed foods.

Equipment Performance: Hard water causes scale buildup in pipes, boilers, and other food processing equipment leading to frequent breakdowns, higher maintenance costs, and production delays.

Scale Buildup in Pipes
Scale Buildup in Pipes

Importance of Industrial Water Softener in Food Sector

Given the immense importance of water quality, the food industry cannot afford to overlook effective water treatment measures. Here’s why investing in robust industrial water softener solutions is a necessity:

Consumer Health: As food manufacturers, ensuring consumer health and safety should be the topmost priority. Treating water eliminates disease-causing pathogens and toxic substances, preventing food contamination.

Brand Reputation: In today’s socially connected world, a single case of food poisoning can tarnish a brand’s reputation, leading to loss of consumer trust and financial implications. Proper water treatment mitigates such risks.

Operational Efficiency: Mineral-free treated water enhances the performance and longevity of food processing equipment, reducing downtime and associated costs. It also improves the efficiency of cleaning and sanitization processes.

Regulatory Compliance: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India or FSSAI has stringent guidelines for the quality of water used in food businesses. Implementing adequate water treatment systems ensures compliance with these norms.

Introducing E-Soft Industrial Water Softener : The Water Treatment Specialist

In the realm of water treatment solutions for the food industry, E-Soft Water Softener for Industries stands tall as a pioneer and trusted name. With its cutting-edge water softening technology, E-Soft offers a comprehensive range of industrial water softeners designed to cater to the diverse needs of food businesses.

E-Soft Industrial Water Softener Advantage:

Effective Mineral Removal: E-Soft’s electronic pulse process efficiently neutralizes hardness-causing calcium and magnesium minerals from water, ensuring a soft water supply throughout your facility.

Customized Solutions: Whether you run a large-scale food processing plant or a modest eatery, E-Soft offers tailored water softening systems to match your specific water treatment requirements.

Improved Taste and Quality: By providing soft, mineral-rich water, E-Soft enhances the natural flavours of your food and beverage products, ensuring consistent taste and quality.

Prolonged Equipment Life: Soft water significantly reduces scale buildup, corrosion, and mineral deposits in pipelines, boilers, and other equipment, extending their operational life.

Cost Savings: With Industrial E-Soft, you can bid farewell to frequent equipment repairs, excess chemical usage, and inefficient cleaning processes, translating into substantial cost savings.

Environmental Responsibility: DIGIGO’s water softeners operate on a mineral breakdown process, which is an eco-friendly and sustainable water treatment method without any wastage of water. 

Digigo Esoft Industrial Water Softener Installation at DUKE PUMPING SOLUTIONS Pvt Ltd. Palanpur.
DIGIGO Industrial Water Softener Installation

The food industry’s growth and success are intrinsically tied to the quality of water used in its operations. By partnering with E-Soft Industrial Water Softener, food businesses can prioritize consumer health, maintain brand integrity, optimize operational efficiency, and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive market.

Don’t let water quality be the weak link in your food business. Invest in E-Soft’s industry-leading water softening solutions and unlock the full potential of your culinary endeavors. Because when it comes to food, compromising on water quality is simply not an option.

Water Day Save Water with Water Softener

How to Save Water Efficiently and How can E-Soft Water Softener Help You in Various Sectors?

Water is one of the most precious boons to human life as well as to all the organisms on Planet Earth. Water is really valuable is what people say but we often see these people wasting the water. Would you consider it a two faced person? We will. Water is invaluable as there is no alternative of water and water on Earth is limited and is decreasing day by day because of unnecessary use and increase in wastage of Water.

So, today on the auspicious day of Water Day we are gonna give you ideas regarding how to save water and how Esoft Water Softener help you to save water. 

How can you Save Water in the Agriculture Sector? 

Agriculture sector is a sector which is fully dependent on Water. Without water, Agriculture could not work even a little bit. The maximum amount of water usage is done in the agriculture sector. The Agriculture Sector is engaged in producing crops and one can’t grow crops without sufficient supply of water. Here are some ways to help you save water while still you can produce crops easily. 

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is the most efficient way to provide crops with the necessary water and nutrients for optimal growth. This method delivers water and nutrients directly to the root zone of each plant in precise amounts and at the right time. As a result, farmers can achieve higher yields while using less water, fertilizer, and energy. Drip irrigation allows for precise and targeted application of resources, reducing waste and maximizing the efficiency of water and nutrient use in agriculture. 

Water Harvesting

Water harvesting and reuse systems are designed to collect and store runoff and storm water, which can be used later for various purposes. These systems have local benefits, such as reducing runoff volume and preventing water quality degradation downstream. 

Dry Farming

Dry farming is a method of crop production that does not rely on irrigation during dry seasons, but instead utilizes moisture stored in the soil from the previous rainy season. It is a location-specific, low-input strategy for growing crops within the constraints of the climate. In this approach, a crop may receive minimal irrigation or none at all. 

Crops Resistant to Drought

Farmers can enhance their crop productivity per unit of water by cultivating crops that are well-suited to the local climate. Drought-resistant crops are particularly advantageous, as they can reduce the risk of crop failure during periods of water scarcity, improve overall yields, and enhance economic stability for farmers. 

How can E-Soft Water Softener Help in Agriculture? 

Normal water used in agriculture is considered as hard water, which can destroy your precious crops and soak away the beneficial nutrition from it. That is when Digigo water softener can help.

Installation of Digigo Esoft Agriculture Water Softener at Sidhhapur Farm.

When the plants are sprinkled with Hard Water, the water left on land evaporates at a great rate resulting in Water Loss. Due to this we have to water more as compared to the regular time intervals. This is in the case of Hard Water, when Soft Water is sprinkled then the land gets Soft and the water is stored in the moisture making it more efficient and hence, less water is required.

It saves almost 40% of Water, so to save the Water E-Soft Water Softener for Agriculture is the most reliable and best System to save Water. Hard Water makes the land hard and hence, the Water does not go to the roots deeply and evaporation occurs. Soft land because of Soft Water makes water reach roots properly and requirement of Water decreases.

Esoft water softener can easily convert your hard water into soft water. This soft water will soothe your plants and will help them grow rapidly. Soft water from Digigo can increase the lifespan of your plant and can increase yield up to 50%*. It will also save many liters of water. 

How can you Save Water in the Industrial Sector?

Industrial sector is one of the pioneers in the usage of Water. Industries highly depend on Water for production. Huge amounts of Water is used in  the production and the water is destroyed with harmful particles and then dumped which causes Water Pollution and disturbs Mother Earth. The Ways to reduce water wastage in the industrial sector are given below. 

Reuse Water

Many applications of water in industrial facilities have options for reusing water. Examples include condensate from boilers and blowdown water from cooling towers. Reusing used Water can help reduce Water requirement and hence, can solve the problem of Excessive Water Requirement. 

Protection System against Water Loss

Protect your industrial systems against water loss to reduce the need to add water. As noted, fixing leaks is essential. However, preventing leaks is just as critical. The water chemistry plays a role in preventing leaks inside closed loop systems, cooling towers and boilers. These systems can save a lot of Money and Water in the long run. 

Don’t Dump Unfiltered Water in the Open Environment

While doing the production the industries tend to make the Water impure in the production. This unfiltered bad Water is mostly dumped in the Open rivers or Environment which can cause a lot of Water Pollution, Air Pollution and Land Pollution. The dumping of Water should be done only after treating it and making it clean otherwise it can destroy nature. 

Replacing Small Components

Where possible, use high-pressure, low volume hoses, nozzles, and spray heads for cleaning and rinsing units, or wherever appropriate. Automatic shutoff nozzles can also help to reduce water waste, especially for manual hoses and sprayers used for cleaning purposes. These types of changes typically entail minimal investment and deliver immediate cost savings. 

How can you Save Water with E-Soft Water Softener for Industry? 

Industries require Soft Water for production. With the installation of Esoft Water Softener for Industry, the requirement of Soft Water will be fulfilled and Digigo water softener does not waste a single drop of Water during the Water conversion process so no amount of Water is wasted and no chemicals are used to convert Hard Water into Soft Water with E-Soft Industrial Water Softener making it Environment Friendly.

Digigo Industrial Water Softener Installation at FCG Hi Tech Pvt. Ltd. Vapi.

Hard Water has to be replaced again and again to keep the cooling chamber working. But in the case of Soft Water, you don’t require a regular chance. Many industries use RO water and hence, it creates a lot of wastage of water, this unuseful water can be softened again and hence, can be used in work. It can replace RO and Raisin based Water Softener, if the water quality in a region is more appropriate. 

How can you Save Water in the Commercial Sector? 

Commercial sector also uses Water on a daily basis. It includes Washing, cleaning, laundering and many more tasks. Here are some ways to Save Water in the Commercial Sector. 

Regulate Water Pressure

Water pressure levels can be a great indicator of your commercial building’s overall plumbing health. Ideally, building water pressure should be between 65-80 psi, anything above that range can damage fixtures and increase the chance of pipe bursts. When the pressure is high then more amount of Water is used. So, use Water on low pressure mode to save Water. 

Install Water Monitoring Smart Technology

With a smart monitoring system, you have access to your property’s hourly, daily, and monthly water consumption data. Property water consumption is also broken down into metrics like average gallons per day, estimated cost per year, and estimated cost per square foot or unit per year. Having this kind of information can assist with facility benchmarking efforts, as well as illustrate the efficiency of water use best practices. Water flow meter also helps you determine the amount of water used as well as wastage of Water. 

Install Rain Sensors on Irrigation

If your property has an irrigation system, installing rain sensors can be one of the easiest ways to save water. When precipitation is detected, rain sensors place a stop on your irrigation system to reduce unnecessary watering. As soon as the rain stops, the rain sensors will turn off and resume the irrigation system’s programmed schedule. 

Insulate Piping

In many existing buildings, domestic hot water pipes are either uninsulated, or done so improperly. Consequently, building water users are required to wait for hot water to flow, resulting in considerable water waste. In addition to conservation through the immediate delivery of hot water, proper pipe insulation can also reduce energy consumption by controlling heat loss. 

How can you Save Water with Esoft Commercial Water Softener? 

With Esoft Commercial Water Softener, you will get Soft Water for the usage in the Commercial Sector which will be beneficial for you. The Soft Water from Digigo E-Soft will be helpful in cleaning as well as washing.

Easy Installation of Digigo Water Softeners at various places

The soft Water from water softener will make the cleaning process efficient and effective as a result less water will be required. Moreover, The water required for laundering will be reduced as Soft Water will easily remove the dirt. Hard Water results in producing scales in your appliances which can result in leakage hence, water loss. So, with Soft Water from water softener no chance of scale, no chance of leakage and no chance of Water Wastage.

There is less leakage in the lines of Soft water. 200% of savings in water used for cleaning utensils and laundry. Due to reduction in Water Logging, water wastage is reduced. Moreover, it helps in landscaping too. Soft Water used in Swimming pools can also be reused. The task of Water cleaning also becomes easy with Soft Water. 

How can you Save Water in the Residential Sector? 

Unnecessary Water usage is a major problem in the Residential Sector, huge amounts are wasted for cleaning and washing activities at home. Here are some ways which can help you save Water. 

Check your toilet for leaks

Put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. If, without flushing, the coloring begins to appear in the bowl, you have a leak that may be wasting more than 100 gallons of water a day. 

Take shorter showers

A typical shower uses five to ten gallons of water a minute. Limit your showers to the time it takes to soap up, wash down and rise off. 

Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors

Your hardware or plumbing supply store stocks inexpensive shower heads or flow restrictors that will cut your shower flow to about three gallons a minute instead of five to ten. They are easy to install, and your showers will still be cleansing and refreshing. 

If you wash dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing

If you have two sinks, fill one with rinse water. If you have only one sink, first gather all your washed dishes in a dish rack, then rinse them quickly with a spray device or a pan of water. By doing this you can save a lot of Water which usually goes wasted by flowing into the sink without any usage. 

How can Esoft Water Softener for Home Save Water in Residential Sector? 

E-Soft Water Softener for Home will convert the Hard Water into the Soft Water as a result Water flowing from your pipe will be Soft and efficient for work.

Water Softener for Home installation at Maharana

This Soft Water will be suitable for the cleaning process as the lather will be made and dirt will be removed easily. Moreover, the Soap Scum will be easily washed and the requirement of Water to remove the Soap Scum will be less. Due to easy removal of dirt, Water saving increases.

Benefits of esoft water softener for industries

7 Benefits of Digigo Industrial Water Softener

Digigo Industrial Water Softener Reduces Chemical Corrosion:

Digigo E-Soft Industrial Water Softener will reduce the chemical corrosion on your machinery as the water will be purified into soft water resulting in reduction of corrosion. Unnecessary chemicals will be removed from water which will help your machine parts maintain the desired quality over the time period. 

Our Industrial Water Softener will Improve Your Machine’s Efficiency:

Our water softener will help you soften the hard water so that your machine’s efficiency is well maintained. Moreover, E-Soft keeps the heat transfer surfaces free from scale allowing the systems to operate under optimal design conditions. E-Soft will work continuously to maintain your industrial efficiency and to maintain as well as develop it. 

Digigo Water Softener Extends Life of the Machinery:

Due to hard water the life of your machinery reduces, it gets down with time. But with Digigo E-Soft your machines will live longer than the usual life as the soft water will nourish the machine resulting in better work in addition to a longer life. Scaling can reduce the efficiency of heat exchangers, boilers, and other machinery, but soft water minimizes these issues. Soft water will prevent machines from getting scale which results in longer and better quality of machine life. 

E-Soft Industrial Water Softener System Prevents Bacteria:

With the help of Digigo Industrial Water Softener you can save your machinery from getting algae and bacterias. Several bacterias are born due to Scales made by Hard Water which can cause various problems. Digigo E-Soft eliminates scales which will indirectly eliminate the algae and bacterias that can cause harm in parts of machines which can result in severe costs. The modified calcium crystals and higher cycles of concentration help to retard algae and biofilm formations which can save a lot of time and money to compensate for the repair. 

Digigo E-Soft Removes Existing Scale on the Surface:

Not only will Digigo E-Soft stop the algae from coming, it will also remove the existing scale from the surface of the machine which will be helpful for you. Our product can remove the stubborn scale within weeks and will make sure your machine will never have to experience scale or any other bacteria EVER. 

Digigo E-Soft Prevents Scale Automation:

Digigo E-Soft is capable of reducing the scale automation to 0%. It will modify scale forming particles so that they do not leave any scales in pipe, tube, jets and water heating surfaces. This will reduce maintenance cost. This can reduce your downtime which means more production, yayyyy. 

Digigo Water Softener for Industry Takes Care of Mother Earth:

Everyone wants mother earth to remain healthy, similarly Digigo E-Soft is always working on reducing water wastage and purifying harmful water. Our product does not add anything to the water making it non complex. Digigo E-Soft is eco-friendly, it treats the hard water problems in such a way that you don’t require any chemicals.Digigo reduces water pollution and air pollution, this seems like a gift to Mother Earth, doesn’t it? How is it beneficial for you, you ask? Your reputation in the market will increase as you are opting for eco-friendly products, you are promoting eco-friendliness, you are thinking about Mother Earth and taking care of Mother Earth. It will act as a positive goodwill for your reputation in the market, among the customers as well as competitors. 

E-Soft's Industrial Water Softener- Future of Industrial Water Treatment

E-Soft’s Industrial Water Softener: The Future of Industrial Water Treatment

E-Soft: A Revolutionary Industrial Water Softener

In the dynamic landscape of industrial water treatment, where efficiency, sustainability, and innovation intersect, E-Soft’s Electro Hydro Enhancer, a cutting-edge soft water conditioner, stands at the forefront. This promises a paradigm shift in the way industries address water-related challenges, positioning itself as a revolutionary water softener. As we delve into the future of industrial water treatment, let’s explore the groundbreaking innovations that make E-Soft a trailblazer in this domain.

At the heart of E-Soft’s innovation lies a cutting-edge electro hydro enhancer technology, functioning as an advanced soft water conditioner. This ingenious system operates on the principle of breaking down large-sized scales into microns, fundamentally altering the molecular structure of carbonates and bicarbonates. The result? A comprehensive solution that goes beyond mere water softening, addressing a spectrum of pain points prevalent in the industrial sector.

E-Soft in the Industrial World

Chemical Reduction:

Hard water, containing elevated minerals, adversely impacts chemical reduction in industrial processes. It forms scale deposits, hindering proper chemical distribution and reducing the efficiency of detergents. Corrosion and altered pH levels further disrupt chemical reactions, potentially damaging equipment. Hard water’s tendency to form insoluble compounds increases the need for higher chemical dosages, leading to elevated costs. 

E-Soft’s water softener solution effectively addresses these challenges by preventing scale, reducing corrosion, and optimizing water chemistry. This ensures efficient chemical reduction processes, promoting cost savings and sustainability in industrial operations.

Increased Efficiency:

Hard water negatively impacts the efficiency of industrial machinery due to its high mineral content, primarily calcium and magnesium. These minerals form scale deposits on the surfaces of machinery, hindering heat transfer and reducing overall efficiency. Scaling not only insulates the heating elements but also decreases the flow rates in pipes and equipment, leading to increased energy consumption. Additionally, the corrosion caused by hard water can damage critical components, further diminishing machinery efficiency. 

E-Soft’s water softener solution mitigates these effects by preventing scale buildup and reducing corrosion, ensuring industrial machinery operates at optimal levels, resulting in improved energy efficiency and reduced maintenance costs.

Huge Energy Savings:

Hard water adversely affects energy savings in industrial settings. The mineral deposits from hard water, known as scale, accumulate on heating elements and piping systems, creating insulation that reduces the efficiency of heat transfer. This forces machinery to work harder and consume more energy to maintain desired temperatures, leading to increased energy costs. Additionally, the scaling effect decreases the overall efficiency of water heaters and boilers, requiring more energy to achieve the same results. 

By implementing E-Soft’s water softener solution, which prevents scale buildup, industries can enhance energy savings by ensuring machinery operates efficiently, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing the need for frequent maintenance and repairs.

Reduced Maintenance and Operating Costs:

Hard water significantly increases maintenance costs for industrial machinery. The mineral deposits from hard water, commonly known as scale, accumulate on equipment surfaces, causing corrosion and reducing overall efficiency. This buildup necessitates frequent maintenance to clean and repair affected machinery, leading to increased downtime and labor costs. Inefficient heat transfer caused by scaling also accelerates wear and tear on components, further elevating maintenance expenses. 

E-Soft’s water softener solution addresses this issue by preventing scale buildup, reducing corrosion, and enhancing machinery efficiency, resulting in decreased maintenance costs and prolonged equipment lifespan, ultimately promoting cost-effective industrial operations.

Environmentally Friendly Practices:

Hard water poses challenges to environmentally friendly practices in industrial settings. The increased use of chemicals to combat scaling and corrosion, caused by hard water, can contribute to environmental pollution. Harsh chemicals used to counteract the impact of hard water can find their way into water systems, adversely affecting aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, the higher energy consumption resulting from scaled-up machinery reduces the overall sustainability of industrial operations. 

E-Soft’s water softener adds nothing extra into water for a particular process so the environment will be safe. It will also help to save water and energy by up to 30% which will directly affect the STP and the ETP plants as well as environment too.

Future of Industries:

Embarking on the journey toward the future of industrial water treatment, E-Soft, the pioneer in soft water conditioner solutions, has left an indelible mark on various industries. Case studies showcase instances where the Electro Hydro Enhancer has not only mitigated existing water-related challenges but has also optimized industrial processes, contributing to enhanced productivity and reduced environmental impact.


In concluding our exploration of the future of industrial water treatment, it’s evident that E-Soft’s innovations, acting as a soft water conditioner and water softener, transcend conventional solutions. By addressing the complexities of hard water in industrial settings, E-Soft paves the way for a sustainable and efficient future. As industries increasingly embrace advanced water treatment technologies, E-Soft, the forefront soft water conditioner, stands poised to be an enduring catalyst for positive change.