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Tackle the hard water with E-Soft Water Softener for Home, the eco-friendly water softener system that transforms your home into a haven of soft, refreshing bliss.

Digigo Esoft Water Softener

હાર્ડ વોટર સોફ્ટનર્સ: પાણી ટેક્નોલોજીનું ક્રાંતિકારી ભવિષ્ય | હાર્ડ વોટર સમસ્યાનું સમાધાન

કેમ છો બધા? ક્યારેય વિચાર્યું છે કે અમુક જગ્યાઓએ કપડાં ધોવાં કેમ ખૂબ જ મુશ્કેલ લાગે છે? કોમલ કાકી ને યાદ કરો, તેઓ દરેક રવિવારે તેમના વોશિંગ મશીન માટે ફરિયાદ કરતાં, “સાંભળો છો! આ વોશિંગ મશીન ફરીથી બગડી ગયું! કોણ જાણે કયું સસ્તું ઉપાડી લાવ્યા છો?” 

કે પછી દશરથ મામા, જેમની ખેતીમાં ખારાશના કારણે પાકનું વળતર મળતું નથી. જમીન પર પડેલા મીઠાના ડાઘો ને પાંદડાના પીળાશથી ખેતર તૂટી ગયું હોય એવું લાગતું.

આ તો માત્ર ઘર અને ખેતરના કિસ્સા છે. ઉદ્યોગોમાં તો મોટી મશીનો પર આ જ હાર્ડ વોટર સ્કેલના કારણે ઠેર ઠેર મૂંઝવણ ઊભી થાય છે. અને તેમના નુકશાનની ગણતરી તો લાખોમાં પડે છે. 

અહીં વોશિંગ મશીન, જમીન કે મશીનરીનો કોઈ વાંક નથી; આ સમસ્યાનું કારણ છે ક્ષારયુક્ત પાણી એટલે કે હાર્ડ વોટર. 

પણ હવે ધ્યાન આપો! વોટર સોફ્ટનર જેવી નવીન ટેક્નોલોજી આ દરેક સમસ્યાનો અસરકારક ઉકેલ છે. હા, હવે પાણીના આ પથ્થરીય ખનિજોને નિષ્ક્રિય બનાવી શકાય છે અને તે પણ અદ્યતન અને પર્યાવરણમિત્ર રીતથી.

ચાલો, સાથે મળીને સમજીએ કે શા માટે હાર્ડ વોટર સોફ્ટનર માત્ર એક વિકલ્પ નથી, પણ આજના યુગની જરૂરિયાત બની ગયું છે, અને કેવી રીતે આ ટેકનોલોજી આપણા જીવનને વધુ સરળ અને ટકાઉ બનાવે છે.

હાર્ડ વોટર શું છે, અને શા માટે તેની ચિંતા કરવી જોઈએ?

હાર્ડ વોટરમાં કેલ્શિયમ અને મૅગ્નેશિયમ જેવા ખનિજો સક્રિય તેમજ વધુ પ્રમાણમાં હોય છે. આ ખનિજો પ્રાકૃતિક છે, પરંતુ તેનો સ્વાસ્થ્ય, ઉપકરણો, જમીન અને પર્યાવરણ પર થતી અસર સુરક્ષિત નથી.

સ્વાસ્થ્ય પર અસર:

હાર્ડ વોટરનો ઉપયોગ શુષ્ક ત્વચા, નાજુક વાળ અને લાંબા ગાળાના સ્વાસ્થ્ય સંબંધિત પ્રશ્નો ઊભા કરી શકે છે, ખાસ કરીને જો તે કોઈ ટ્રીટમેન્ટ વિના પીવામાં આવે.

ઉપકરણોને નુકસાન:

વોશિંગ મશીન, ડિશવોશર અને વોટર હીટર જેવા ઉપકરણોમાં સ્કેલ બનવાથી તેનો જીવનકાળ નોંધપાત્ર રીતે ઓછો થાય છે.

પર્યાવરણ પર અસર:

હાર્ડ વોટરનો ઉપયોગ કરતી ઔદ્યોગિક મશીનોને વધુ ઊર્જા જરૂર પડે છે, જે પર્યાવરણ માટે નુકશાનકારક કાર્બન ફૂટપ્રિન્ટ્સ વધારવામાં ફાળો આપે છે.

આ સમયે, હાર્ડ વોટર સોફ્ટનર ખૂબ મહત્વપૂર્ણ બની જાય છે.

શા માટે હાર્ડ વોટર સોફ્ટનર જરૂરી છે?

હાર્ડ વોટર માત્ર એક અસુવિધા નથી; તે આપણા દૈનિક જીવન પર અસર કરે છે, ઉદ્યોગોથી લઈને સ્વાસ્થ્ય સુધી. ચાલો જાણીએ કે હાર્ડ વોટર સોફ્ટનર કેવી રીતે આ તમામ સમસ્યાઓથી ભર્યા જીવનમાં બદલાવ લાવી શકે છે:

તમારા ઉપકરણો અને મશીનરીની રક્ષા કરે છે

હાર્ડ વોટર પાઇપમાં સ્કેલ ડિપોઝિટ છોડે છે, હીટિંગ એલિમેન્ટ પર ક્ષાર જમાવે છે અને ઉપકરણોની કાર્યક્ષમતા ઘટાડે છે.

જો તમારું વોટર હીટર પાણી ગરમ કરવા માટે વધુ સમય લે છે અથવા તમારું ડિશવોશર વારંવાર બગડે છે, તો આ હાર્ડ વોટરનો છુપાયો ખર્ચ છે જે તમે દર મહિને ચૂકવી રહ્યા છો.

હાર્ડ વોટર સોફ્ટનર આ ખનિજો દૂર કરે છે, ઉપકરણોને નુકસાન થવા અટકાવે છે અને તેના આયુષ્યને લંબાવે છે.

ઘર હોય કે ઉદ્યોગ, સોફ્ટ વોટર મશીનોને મોંઘા રિપેર વિના સરળતાથી ચાલવા દે છે.

ઊર્જા બચાવે છે અને બિલ ઘટાડે છે

શું તમે જાણો છો કે સ્કેલ જમાવ ઉપકરણોને 30-40% વધુ મહેનત કરાવે છે? હા, હાર્ડ વોટર પર જરૂર કરતાં વધુ ઊર્જા બરબાદ થાય છે!

સ્કેલ ભરેલા વોટર હીટરને પાણી ગરમ કરવા વધુ સમય લાગે છે, જે તમારું વીજળી બિલ વધારવામાં મદદ કરે છે. તો તમારું બિલ ધાર્યા કરતાં વધુ આવે ત્યારે વિજ ખાતાનો નહીં પરંતુ તમારા પાણીનો હાથ છે. 

વોટર સોફ્ટનર્સ જામી જતાં ક્ષારને અટકાવે છે, ઉપકરણોને ઊર્જા કાર્યક્ષમ રાખે છે અને દર મહિને તમારા પૈસા બચાવે છે.

ઉર્જા વપરાશ ઘટાડીને, તમે ખર્ચ ઘટાડો છો અને પર્યાવરણ પર તમારું કાર્બન ફૂટપ્રિન્ટ પણ ઘટાડો કરો છો.

ખેતીની ઉત્પાદનશક્તિ વધારવી

હાર્ડ વોટર ખેડૂતો માટે અનુકૂળ નથી. તે સિંચાઇ વ્યવસ્થાના ભાગો જેમ કે ડ્રોપર્સ, સ્પ્રિંકલર્સ, પાઇપોમાં અડચણ ઊભી કરે છે અને પાકો અને જમીન પર ક્ષારના ડિપોઝિટ છોડે છે, અને પરિણામે આ બધું છોડની વૃદ્ધિને નુકસાન કરે છે.

આ મીઠાના ડિપોઝિટ સમય સાથે જમીનની ગુણવત્તાને નાશ કરે છે, જેના પરિણામે ઉત્પાદનમાં ઘટાડો થાય છે અને લાંબા ગાળાના ખેતી સંબંધિત પડકારો ઊભા થાય છે.

એક વોટર સોફ્ટનર હાર્ડ વોટરને નરમ, છોડમિત્ર પાણીમાં પરિવર્તિત કરે છે, જેથી સિંચાઇ વ્યવસ્થા અસરકારક રીતે કાર્ય કરે અને પાકને પાણીમાંથી જ પોષણ મળી રહે.

પરિણામ? વધુ તંદુરસ્ત છોડ, રોગમુક્ત મૂળ, ઉત્તમ પાક અને લાંબા ગાળે જમીનનું જતન.

તમારા સ્વાસ્થ્ય અને સ્વચ્છતામાં સુધારો કરે છે

હાર્ડ વોટર આજુબાજુના રોજિંદા કામો જેમ કે નાહવું-ધોવું મુશ્કેલ અને અસ્વચ્છ બનાવે છે. તે તમારી ત્વચાને શુષ્ક, વાળને નિર્જીવ અને નબળા અને કપડાંને કઠણ અને બેરંગ બનાવે છે.

સમય સાથે, આ અસર ત્વચાના રોગ જેમ કે ઇક્ઝિમા જેવી અસર ઊભી કરી શકે છે અને વાળના ફોલિકલને નુકસાન કરી શકે છે જે વાળ ખરવાનું મુખ્ય કારણ છે.

હાર્ડ વોટર પીવાથી કિડની સ્ટોન અને અન્ય સ્વાસ્થ્ય સંબંધિત સમસ્યાઓ પણ ઊભી થઈ શકે છે.

એક વોટર સોફ્ટનર આ તમામ પરિસ્થિતિમાં બદલાવ લાવે છે, નુકશાનકારક ખનિજોને નિષ્ક્રિય બનાવે છે અને તમને નરમ ત્વચા, તંદુરસ્ત વાળ અને સાફ, આરામદાયક ધોવણની સુવિધા આપે છે.

ડીજીગોનું ઈ-સોફ્ટ: 5મી પેઢીનું વોટર સોફ્ટનર

ડીજીગોનું ઈ-સોફ્ટ વોટર સોફ્ટનર પાણી ટ્રીટમેન્ટ ટેક્નોલોજીમાં ક્રાંતિ લાવનારું મશીન છે. પરંપરાગત સિસ્ટમથી અલગ, ઈ-સોફ્ટ:

  • 100% કાર્યક્ષમ: પાણીના કોઈ પણ બગાડ વિના ખાતરીયુક્ત નરમ પાણી ઉપલબ્ધ કરાવે છે.
  • પર્યાવરણમિત્ર: ઊર્જાનો ઓછો ઉપયોગ કરે છે અને રાસાયણિક આધાર ઘટાડે છે.
  • સસ્તું: ઉચ્ચ ગુણવત્તાવાળા આ મશીનને જીવનકાળ સુધી કોઈ જાળવણી ખર્ચની જરૂર નથી.
  • આધુનિક: ટોચના ભારતીય ઇજનેરો દ્વારા ખાસ કરીને ભારતીય પાણીની સ્થિતિ માટે વિકસાવવામાં આવ્યું છે, જે આરોગ્ય અને પર્યાવરણની સંભાળ રાખે છે.

ઈ-સોફ્ટ શા કારણે અનોખું છે?

અદ્યતન ઇલેક્ટ્રોનિક ટેક્નોલોજી

ઈ-સોફ્ટ ઇલેક્ટ્રોનિક ઇમ્પલ્સનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે જે હાર્ડ વોટરના ખનિજોને સૂક્ષ્મ કણોમાં તોડી નિષ્ક્રિય બનાવે છે. આ કણો માનવ આરોગ્ય, છોડના મૂળ, ઉપકરણો અને ઔદ્યોગિક મશીનો માટે નુકસાનકારક નથી અને ક્ષાર જામતો અટકાવે છે એ પણ કોઈ હાનિકારક રસાયણ ઉમેર્યા વિના.

વૈવિધ્યપૂર્ણ ઉપયોગ

ઈ-સોફ્ટ વોટર સોફ્ટનર વિવિધ ક્ષેત્રોમાં સેવા આપે છે:

  • ઘર: તમારી ત્વચા નરમ રાખે છે, વાળ મજબૂત બનાવે છે, રસોડા અને બાથરૂમને સ્વચ્છ રાખે છે અને ઉપકરણોને સ્કેલ-મુક્ત બનાવે છે.
  • ખેતી: પાકના સ્વાસ્થ્ય તેમજ ઉત્પાદન, જમીનની સ્થિતિ, પાણીનો વપરાશ અને સિંચાઈની કાર્યક્ષમતામાં સુધારો કરે છે.
  • વાણિજ્ય ક્ષેત્રો: પાણી હીટર્સ, ડિશવોશર જેવા ઉપકરણોની રક્ષા કરે છે અને હોટલ અને હોસ્પિટલ જેવા સ્થળોને સ્વચ્છ રાખે છે તેમજ મશીનરીને સ્કેલથી મુક્ત રાખે છે.
  • ઉદ્યોગો: બોઇલર્સ, હીટ એક્સચેન્જર્સ, કૂલિંગ ટાવર્સ, ઔદ્યોગિક આર.ઓ. મેમ્બ્રેન, ચિલર્સ અને પાઇપ જેવા મશીન પર માદક કામગીરી સુનિશ્ચિત કરે છે.

ઈ-સોફ્ટ પર્યાવરણના જતનને ધ્યાનમાં રાખીને ડિઝાઇન કરવામાં આવ્યું છે. તેની ઊર્જા-કાર્યક્ષમ કામગીરી તમારું કાર્બન ફૂટપ્રિન્ટ ઘટાડે છે અને પાણી સંસાધનોનું સંરક્ષણ કરે છે.

વિવિધ ક્ષેત્રોમાં ઈ-સોફ્ટ હાર્ડ વોટર સમસ્યાઓ કેવી રીતે ઉકેલે છે


સોફ્ટ વોટર વ્યક્તિગત સંભાળમાં સુધારો કરે છે અને ગીઝર, વોશિંગ મશીન, ડિશવોશર જેવા પાણી વાપરતા ઉપકરણોને કાર્યક્ષમ રાખે છે.

ઈ-સોફ્ટ ડિટરજન્ટની જરૂરિયાત દૂર કરે છે, પૈસાની બચત કરે છે અને પાણીનો બગાડ ઘટાડે છે.


ખેડુતોને ક્ષારયુક્ત સિંચાઇના કારણે પાકના ઉત્પાદનમાં ઘટાડાનો સામનો કરવો પડે છે.

આ ટેક્નોલોજી મોટા ખનિજોને સૂક્ષ્મ આકારમાં તોડે છે અને નુકસાનકારક ખનિજોને ન્યુટ્રલ કરે છે, જેથી જમીન તંદુરસ્ત રહે અને ઉત્પાદન ક્ષમતા વધે.

વાણિજ્ય માટે:

હોટેલ અને ઓફિસો ઈ-સોફ્ટ વોટર સોફ્ટનર લગાવીને મોંઘા રિપેર અને ડાઉનટાઇમથી બચી શકે છે.

તમારા સ્વિમિંગ પુલ, વોટર પાર્ક જેવી જગ્યાઓમાં પાણીની ગુણવત્તા અને તમારી બિઝનેસ પ્રતિષ્ઠા પર અસર કરે છે.

ત્યાંથી વધુ, હોટેલ, રેસ્ટોરાં, બેન્ક્વેટ હોલ અને હોસ્પિટલ જેવા સર્વિસ આધારિત બિઝનેસોમાં સ્વચ્છતા અને હાઇજિન માટે ઈ-સોફ્ટ જેવાં હાર્ડ વોટર સોફ્ટનર અનિવાર્ય છે.

ઉદ્યોગો માટે:

પાવર પ્લાન્ટથી શરૂ કરીને ઓટોમોબાઇલ, રબર ઉદ્યોગથી માંડી ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ્સ, ફૂડ પ્રોસેસિંગથી લઈને પેપર ઉદ્યોગ, સ્ટીલ મેન્યુફેક્ચરિંગથી કરી ટેક્સટાઇલ ઉદ્યોગ સુધી – સોફ્ટ વોટર સિસ્ટમથી મશીનો સરળતાથી ચાલે છે, રિપેર ઓછા થાય છે અને ઊર્જા બિલ ઘટે છે.

ઉદ્યોગોને થતા ફાયદાઓ જાણવા માટે અમારા ફાઉન્ડરનો વિડિયો જોવો: અહીં ક્લિક કરો (link)

ઈ-સોફ્ટ પર્યાવરણ માટે કેવી રીતે ફાયદાકારક છે?

પાણીનો બગાડ ઓછો કરે છે:

પરંપરાગત સોફ્ટનર રીજનરેશન દરમિયાન પાણીનો બગાડ કરે છે, જ્યારે ઈ-સોફ્ટ આ અક્ષમતાને દૂર કરે છે.

રાસાયણિક વપરાશ ઘટાડે છે:

પરંપરાગત સિસ્ટમોમાં મીઠાનો આધાર રહે છે, જ્યારે ઈ-સોફ્ટ અદ્યતન ઇલેક્ટ્રોનિક પલ્સ પદ્ધતિઓનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે.

ઊર્જાની બચત કરે છે:

મશીન કાર્યક્ષમતામાં સુધારા દ્વારા ઊર્જા વપરાશ ઘટાડે છે.

તમારી જરૂરિયાત માટે યોગ્ય હાર્ડ વોટર સોફ્ટનર કેવી રીતે પસંદ કરવું?

વોટર સોફ્ટનર પસંદ કરતી વખતે આ મુદ્દાઓ ધ્યાનમાં રાખો:
  • કાર્યક્ષમતા: સિસ્ટમ પાણીને કેટલાં અસરકારક રીતે નરમ બનાવે છે?
  • પર્યાવરણમિત્રતા: શું તે ઊર્જા બચાવે છે અને રાસાયણિક વપરાશ ઘટાડે છે?
  • ખર્ચ: શું તે ગુણવત્તામાં કોઇ બાંધ-છોડ વિના પરવડે છે?
  • સ્કેલેબિલિટી: શું તે તમારા ક્ષેત્ર-વિશિષ્ટ જરૂરિયાતોને પૂરી પાડે છે?
  • છુપાયેલ ખર્ચ: શું આ વોટર સોફ્ટનરને વારંવાર જાળવણીની જરૂરિયાત છે?

ઈ-સોફ્ટ વોટર સોફ્ટનર આ તમામ પરિબળોને પૂરાં પાડે છે, જે તેને હાર્ડ વોટરની સમસ્યાઓ માટેનો શ્રેષ્ઠ ઉકેલ બનાવે છે.

તમારા પ્રશ્નોના જવાબ (FAQs)

ડીજીગો ઈ-સોફ્ટ વોટર સોફ્ટનરનું જીવનકાળ કેટલું છે?

ઈ-સોફ્ટ વોટર સોફ્ટનર સિસ્ટમ 30 વર્ષથી વધુ સમય સુધી જાળવણી વિના ચાલવા માટે ડિઝાઇન કરવામાં આવી છે.

શું ઈ-સોફ્ટ નાના ઘરોમાં સ્થાપિત થઈ શકે છે?

ચોક્કસ! ડીજીગો રેસિડેન્શિયલ જગ્યાઓ અને રહેણાંક સોસાયટીઓ માટે આદર્શ એવા કોમ્પેક્ટ મોડેલ્સ પણ પ્રદાન કરે છે.

શું ઈ-સોફ્ટ પાણીમાંથી બધા ખનિજો દૂર કરે છે?

ના, ઈ-સોફ્ટ પાણીમાંથી કોઇપણ ખનિજો દૂર કરતું નથી. તે માત્ર કેલ્શિયમ અને મૅગ્નેશિયમ જેવા મોટા કદના હાર્ડ ખનિજો તોડીને સૂક્ષ્મ કદમાં ફેરવે છે અને તેમને નિષ્ક્રિય કરે છે; જેથી તે પાણીમાં ઓગળી જાય અને આરોગ્ય, છોડના મૂળ, પ્રાણીઓના આરોગ્ય અથવા મશીનોને કોઈ નુકસાન ન થાય.

ઈ-સોફ્ટ ઊર્જા કેવી રીતે બચાવે છે?

સ્કેલ બિલ્ડઅપ એટલે કે ક્ષાર જામવાની પ્રક્રિયા અટકાવી, ઈ-સોફ્ટ ઉપકરણો અને મશીનોને શ્રેષ્ઠ કાર્યક્ષમતાથી કામ કરવા દે છે, જેના કારણે ઊર્જા વપરાશ ઘટે છે.

શું ઈ-સોફ્ટ પર્યાવરણમિત્ર છે?

હા બિલકુલ! આ વોટર સોફટનર રસાયણોની જરૂરિયાત દૂર કરે છે, પાણીનો બગાડ ઓછો કરે છે અને ઓછામાં ઓછી વીજળી વાપરે છે.

હું ઈ-સોફ્ટ વોટર સોફ્ટનર કેવી રીતે ખરીદી શકું?

ડીજીગોની વેબસાઇટની (link) મુલાકાત લો અથવા તમારી જરૂરિયાતને અનુરૂપ મોડેલ શોધવા માટે અમારો સંપર્ક કરો.

નિષ્કર્ષ: ટેક્નોલોજી કે જે જીવનને સરળ બનાવે

હાર્ડ વોટર આપણા સૌના જીવનને અસર કરે છે, પછી તે કપડાં ધોવાના રસ્તાથી ઉદ્યોગોની ટકાઉપણાની વાત કેમ ન હોય.
વોટર સોફ્ટનર્સ અદ્યતન ટેક્નોલોજી અને પર્યાવરણ માટેની જવાબદારીને ક્રાંતિકારી ઉકેલ પ્રદાન કરે છે.

વોટર સોફ્ટનરમાં રોકાણ કરવું એ માત્ર સારું પાણી મેળવવા માટેનો વિકલ્પ નથી, પણ આરોગ્યપ્રદ અને વધુ ટકાઉ ભવિષ્ય તરફ એક પગલું છે.

Digigo Esoft Water Softener

Everything You Need to Know About DIGIGO Water Softener

In an era where technology touches every aspect of our lives, one common and universal challenge is the impact of hard water in every sector. It’s not just a domestic issue—it’s a problem from industrial damage to agricultural unproductivity. Fortunately, innovations like the Water Softener System are offering solutions that are as advanced as they are effective.

Let’s learn why hard water softeners are becoming a non-negotiable necessity and the world’s smartest, most eco-friendly solution to hard water problems.

What Is Hard Water, and Why Should You Care?

Hard water contains high levels of hard minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. While these minerals are natural, their effects on your health, appliances, land,and environment are not so safe.

  • Health Impact: Hard water can lead to dry skin, brittle hair, and long-term health issues when consumed without treatment.
  • Appliance Damage: Scale buildup in washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters drastically shortens their lifespan.
  • Environmental Toll: Industrial machines using hard water require excessive energy, increasing carbon footprints.

This is where a hard water softener becomes crucial.

Why Do We Need a Hard Water Softener?

Hard water isn’t just an inconvenience; it impacts our daily lives, from the appliances we use to our personal health. Let’s see how a water softener can make a difference:

Protects Your Appliances and Machinery

  • Hard water leaves behind scale deposits that clog pipes, coat heating elements, and reduce the efficiency of appliances.
  • If your water heater take double of the time to warm up or your dishwasher break down frequently—this is the hidden cost of hard water you are paying every other month.
  • A water softener removes these hardness-causing minerals, preventing damage and extending the lifespan of your appliances.
  • Whether at home or in industries, soft water ensures machines operate smoothly without costly repairs.

Saves Energy and Reduces Bills

  • Did you know scale buildup in appliances can make them work 30-40% harder? Yes that’s extra energy wasted on hard water!
  • A scaled-up water heater takes longer to heat water, driving up electricity bills.
  • Water softeners prevent this buildup, keeping appliances energy-efficient and saving you money every month.
  • By reducing energy consumption, you’re not just cutting costs—you’re also reducing your carbon footprint on the environment.

Boosts Agricultural Productivity

  • Hard water isn’t farmer-friendly. It clogs irrigation sytem parts like droppers, sprinklers, pipes and leaves salt deposits on crops and land harming plant growth.
  • These salt deposits can degrade soil quality over time, leading to reduced production and long-term agricultural challenges.
  • A water softener transforms hard water into soft, plant-friendly water, ensuring irrigation systems work efficiently and crops thrive.
  • The result? Healthier plants, disease free roots, better harvests, and long-term soil preservation.

Improves Your Health and Hygiene

  • Hard water makes everyday activities like bathing and washing a heavy duty and unhygienic task. It leaves your skin dry, your hair rough and weak, and your laundry stiff and dull.
  • Over time, this exposure can worsen skin conditions like eczema and damage hair follicles.
  • Consuming hard water may also contribute to kidney stones and other health issues.
  • A water softener changes the situation by removing/ cutting down/ burning excess minerals, giving you softer skin, healthier hair, and clean, comfortable laundry.

Introducing DIGIGO’s E-Soft: The 5th Generation Water Softener

DIGIGO’s E-Soft Water Softener represents a breakthrough in water treatment technology. Unlike traditional systems, E-Soft is:

  • 100% Efficient: Guaranteed soft water output without wastage.
  • Eco-Friendly: Designed to minimize energy use and reduce chemical reliance.
  • Affordable: High-quality performance without any kind of maintenance for the lifetime.
  • Innovative: Developed by top Indian engineers specially suited for Indian water condition saving the health and the environment.

What Makes E-Soft Stand Out?

Advanced Electronic Technology

E-Soft uses electronic impulses to break down hard water minerals into micro sized particles which are not harmful to human health, plant roots, appliances, and industrial equipment preventing scale buildup without adding harmful chemicals.

Versatile Applications

E-Soft water softeners serve different sectors like:

  • Homes: Keep your skin soft, hair shiny, kitchen and bathrooms hygienic and appliances scale-free.
  • Agriculture: Improve crop yield, land condition, water consumption and irrigation efficiency.
  • Commercial Spaces: Protect water heaters, dishwashers, keep the spaces like hotels and hospitals clean and other machinery scale free.
  • Industries: Ensure smooth operations across machinery like boilers, heat exchangers, cooling towers, Industrial RO membranes, chillers and pipes.

E-Soft is designed with environmental preservation in mind. Its energy-efficient operation reduces your carbon footprint while conserving water resources.

How E-Soft Solves Hard Water Problems in Various Sectors

For Homes

Soft water enhances personal care and keeps water using appliances like geysers, washing machines, dishwashers running efficiently. E-Soft water softener for home eliminates the need for harsh detergents, saving money and reducing water waste.

For Agriculture

Farmers face reduced crop yield due to saline irrigation water. Our water softener for agriculture breaks down the big size gard minerals into micro size and neutralizes harmful minerals, ensuring healthier soil and better productivity.

For Commercial Spaces

Hotels, restaurants, and offices can avoid costly repairs and downtime by installing E-Soft commercial water softeners. Not only that swimming pools, water parks are the places where the quality of water affects the business reputation. Above all, hotels, restaurants, banquet halls, hospitals – these service based business demand hygiene and cleanliness which you can have by only installing hard water softeners like E-Soft.

For Industries

From power plants to automobiles, rubber industry to pharmaceutical, food processing to paper industry, steel manufacturing to textile industry – experience smoother machine operations, fewer repairs, and lower energy bills with our industrial water softener.

Watch video of our founder explain benefits of our water softener for industries.

How Does E-Soft Benefit the Environment?

  1. Minimizes Water Waste: Traditional softeners can waste water during regeneration. E-Soft’s system eliminates this inefficiency.
  2. Lowers Chemical Usage: Conventional systems rely on salts; E-Soft uses advanced electronic pulse methods.
  3. Saves Energy: Improved machine efficiency translates to reduced energy consumption.

Choosing the Right Hard Water Softener for Your Needs

When selecting a hard water softener, consider:

  • Efficiency: How effectively does the system soften water?
  • Eco-Friendliness: Does it conserve energy and reduce chemical use?
  • Cost: Is it affordable without compromising quality?
  • Scalability: Can it cater to your sector-specific needs?
  • Hidden cost: Does this water softener demand any frequent maintenance?

E-Soft water softener checks all these boxes, making it the best choice for tackling hard water problems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the lifespan of a DIGIGO E-Soft water softener?

E-Soft systems are designed to last over 30 years with no maintenance.

2. Can E-Soft be installed in small homes?

Absolutely! DIGIGO offers compact models ideal for residential spaces as well as the residential societies.

3. Does E-Soft remove all minerals from water?

No, E-Soft doesn’t remove any kind of minerals from the water- it just breaks down the bigger sized hard minerals like Calcium and Magnesium so that they can dilute in the water causing no harm to health, plant roots, animal health or any equipment. 

4. How does E-Soft save energy?

By preventing scale buildup, E-Soft ensures appliances and machines operate at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption.

5. Is E-Soft eco-friendly?

Yes, it eliminates the need for chemicals, minimizes water waste, and consumes minimal electricity.

6. How can I purchase an E-Soft water softener?

Visit DIGIGO’s website (link) or contact us to find a model that suits your needs.

Conclusion: A Technology That Softens More Than Water

Hard water affects us all, from the way we wash our clothes to the sustainability of industries. Water Softeners offers a revolutionary solution, blending advanced technology with environmental responsibility.

Investing in water softeners isn’t just a choice for better water—it’s a step toward a healthier, more sustainable future.

Digigo Esoft Water Softener

Solving Ahmedabad’s Hard Water Problems: Why Your Home Needs the E-Soft Water Softener

Living in Ahmedabad, comes with its unique challenges. Just ask any local resident about “Paani ni problem” (water problems) and you’ll hear stories about hard water issues from every house. The hard water affects everyone, whether in individual homes or large residential societies.

That’s why many Amdavadis are turning to E-Soft’s range of household water softeners. From low-duty models for 2-3 BHK flats to industrial-grade heavy-duty softeners for entire societies, E-Soft has a range of water softeners for every sized water problem. Whether it’s bungalows in Gurukul, apartments in SG Highway, or massive residential complexes in Gota and New Ranip, E-Soft is helping families and communities enjoy better water quality. 

Understanding Ahmedabad’s Water Sources 

Ahmedabad draws water from various sources, and these water sources come with different level of hardness due to high mineral content. The main sources are:

Borewells (Groundwater)

Borewells serve as a primary water source for many areas, particularly on the outer parts like Bopal and Ghuma.

  • Why It’s Hard: Groundwater passes through mineral-rich soil and rock layers, dissolving calcium and magnesium along the way. These minerals significantly increase the water’s hardness.
  • Key Challenge: Overuse of borewells has led to groundwater depletion, further concentrating these dissolved solids.

Sabarmati River

Ahmedabad’s iconic Sabarmati River, supplemented by the Narmada Canal, supplies treated water to much of the city.

  • Why It’s Hard: Though treated, industrial runoff and agricultural waste contribute to high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), including hardness-causing minerals.

Narmada Canal

The Narmada Canal plays a critical role in supplementing Ahmedabad’s water supply.

  • Why It’s Hard: Despite its benefits, water from the canal picks up sediments and minerals along its route, adding to its hardness levels.

Private Tankers

In rapidly growing areas with insufficient municipal water, private tankers are commonly used.

  • Why It’s Hard: Tanker water often originates from untreated borewells, carrying the same high levels of calcium and magnesium.

Aging Infrastructure

Ahmedabad’s aging water distribution network contributes to the issue. Sediments and impurities from old pipelines further degrade water quality, making hard water an unavoidable challenge for many households.

Water Hardness Levels in Ahmedabad

Studies show that water in Ahmedabad often has hardness levels ranging from 330 mg/L to 1,830 mg/L, far exceeding the safe limit of 180 mg/L. Areas like Vastral, Vejalpur, or Thaltej face some of the hardest water in the city, causing widespread inconvenience.

Common Problems Ahmedabad Residents Face Due to Hard Water

Hair and Skin Issues

Hard water can affect drastically on your hair and skin.

  • Hair Damage: The minerals in hard water create a buildup on the scalp, leaving hair dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. Women in Ahmedabad often report increased hair fall and rough-damaged hair.
  • Skin Irritation: Hard water reacts with soap to leave a residue on the skin, leading to clogged pores, dryness, and irritation. Sensitive skin conditions like eczema can get worse.

Stains on Dishes and Surfaces

Hard water leaves its footprints everywhere.

  • Spotty Dishes: White spots and cloudy films are common on glasses, plates, and utensils, even after washing.
  • Sink and Tap Stains: Chalky stains form around faucets and in sinks, requiring extra effort to clean.

Clogged Pipes and Appliances

The scaling caused by hard water can shorten the life of pipes and appliances.

  • Blocked Pipes: Scale buildup reduces water flow and pressure, often leading to costly repairs.
  • Damaged Appliances: Washing machines, geysers, and dishwashers lose efficiency due to scaling, increasing electricity bills.


Clothes washed in hard water lose their softness, vibrancy and colours.

  • Fabric Damage: Hard water minerals weaken fibers, causing clothes to feel stiff and fade over time.
  • Extra Costs: You’ll need more detergent and water to achieve the same level of cleanliness.

Bathroom and Toilet Problems

Hard water stains can make bathrooms look unhygienic.

  • Scaling in Bathrooms: Mineral deposits clog showerheads and stain tiles, making cleaning a frustrating task.
  • Stubborn Toilet Stains: White or brownish streaks form inside toilet bowls, requiring strong chemicals to remove.

Yellow Dead Garden Plants

Hard water creates major issues for plant health and garden maintenance.

  • Poor Water Absorption: Plants struggle to take up hard water effectively, requiring more frequent watering.
  • Soil Quality Degradation: Minerals accumulate in soil over time, making it less fertile and harder to maintain.
  • Increased Resource Waste: Gardens need more water and fertilizers to compensate for hard water’s negative effects.

The Trusted Water Softener for Ahmedabad Homes: E-Soft 

Scale-Free Plumbing & Appliances

  • Eliminates hard minerals, preventing scale build-up.
  • Ensures smooth water flow, extending the life of plumbing and appliances.
  • Reduces maintenance costs and avoids costly repairs.

Healthier Skin & Hair

  • Softens water, eliminating soap scum that irritates skin and hair.
  • Prevents soap residues, leading to smoother skin and shinier, manageable hair.
  • Ideal for those with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema.

Softer, Brighter Laundry

  • Water free from harsh minerals keeps clothes soft and bright.
  • Reduces detergent and fabric softener usage by up to 50%.
  • Makes laundry more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Cleaner Bathrooms

  • Prevents mineral buildup, keeping bathroom fixtures clean and sparkling.
  • Eliminates the need for harsh chemical cleaners to remove water stains.

Energy Savings

  • Reduces scale buildup in water heaters and appliances, improving efficiency.
  • Lowers energy consumption and reduces electricity bills over time.

Better Cooking Experience

  • Soft water enhances food flavours and reduces cooking time.
  • Prevents limescale in cookware, making meals tastier.
  • Saves fuel and improves overall cooking efficiency.

Greener, Healthier Gardens

  • Soft water promotes healthier plant growth and reduces fertilizer usage.
  • Improves soil quality and helps maintain lush, vibrant gardens.
  • Saves up to 50% on water for irrigation.

Overall, the E-Soft Water Softener enhances the functionality of your plumbing and appliances, saves you money on maintenance and energy bills, improves your personal care routine, and keeps your home cleaner and more efficient. Aur kya chahiye?

Get Yours Today!

FAQs About Hard Water and E-Soft Water Softeners

Is softened water safe to drink?

Yes, softened water is totally. Infact, E-Soft doesn’t remove or burn any minerals which are essential for human body.

Does E-Soft require frequent maintenance?

No. E-Soft doesn’t require any maintenance. No Salt, No Maintenance.

Is E-Soft effective against Ahmedabad’s high TDS water?

Absolutely! E-Soft is designed to handle Ahmedabad’s extreme water hardness levels upto 5000 TDS.

Can we install E-Soft for whole society?

Yes. Our heavy duty models are capable enough to provide soft water to the whole society or residential flats.

hard water problems in kitchen

Hard Water Ruining Your Cooking? Discover the Solution

What is Hard Water?

Hard water is the raw form of water that comes to your house, through pipes and other water sources. Hard water contains impurities like magnesium and ions that will make your cooking impure and will give you a below-average cooking experience. 

Several times, the joy of cooking can be destroyed due to little things. Many times, the hard water disrupts the cooking process. The hard water because of the impurities present in it can be a disadvantage for the food that is being cooked. 

How Can Hard Water Cooking be a Disadvantage? 

If you are boiling rice with hard water then there is a strong chance that the rice might absorb the flavour of hard water which will make the taste different and not likable. The same goes for cooking grains with hard water. When baking or making dough, the minerals in hard water such as magnesium and calcium can change the active yeast and structure of the gluten. This means you could end up with a tough or rubbery cake or dough which will be chewy as well. 

The hard water will make the taste of food cooked bitter. In many cases, the food cooked with hard water will taste a bit metallic which will not be preferred by your family members or customers if you own a cafe or restaurant. The food texture will not be good. The ingredients and hard water can form a reaction as well and will make the taste weird. 

In terms of time, cooking with hard water will take more time as the boiling process with hard water is very slow and time-consuming. Another way through which hard water affects your cooking is by reducing the nutrient content of your food.

The minerals in hard water can bind to certain nutrients, such as iron, zinc, and manganese, making them less available for your body to absorb. This means that even if you’re cooking with nutrient-dense ingredients, you may not be getting all of the health benefits if you’re using hard water. 

Hard water will not only affect your prepared food, but it will also damage your appliances which you use in cooking. The hard water will develop scales and limes in pipes and other surfaces.

Moreover, the work life of kitchen appliances will be decreased if you are constantly using hard water. You will require extra cleaning and plumbing in the kitchen which will severely add costs to your pre-defined budget. And these costs will come up without certainty, at any time. More maintenance will be required which will be costly and time-consuming for you, it will be more disadvantageous on your side if you own a café or restaurant as maintenance will act as a breakdown and make your smooth workflow hard. 

The customers might have a negative experience either by drinking hard water (Regular water) or by having a foul taste in their ordered food that was prepared in hard water which resulted in the foul and bitter taste, sometimes metallic. 

How Can You Solve These Hard Water Problems in Kitchen? 

These problems can be easily solved by using soft water, with soft water you can easily cook your food fast as soft water is boiled easily and faster. Other than that, soft water will add to the taste of your meal and will brighten the flavors added to it. It will make the washing of veggies and grains more efficient as the hard water is not capable of removing the dirt from veggies and grains.

The food will be cooked as per its structure and texture. The work life of the appliances will also be maintained and will be increased as soft water is suitable for the appliance’s usage. There will be no plumbing or maintenance. Even The pre-developed scales will be removed with the help of soft water. Say goodbye to breakdowns because of plumbing with soft water. There are many other benefits of using soft water in your kitchen. 

Solution: Convert Hard Water into Soft Water Using Water Softener for Home

Hard water can be a real pain in the kitchen, but there’s a simple solution: Water Softener for Home. By installing a water softener, you can effectively eliminate the mineral buildup that causes hard water problems. These systems work by replacing the minerals with sodium ions, resulting in soft water for your kitchen and entire home. Enjoy the benefits of softer water, including improved taste, reduced appliance wear, and healthier hair and skin and more.

Which is the Best Water Softener in the Market?

One of the strong names in the home water softeners market, a great goodwill with a reputable name in this field, Digigo E-Soft is the world’s first 5th generation hard water softener for home, that softens water electronically rather than using harmful substances like chemicals or salts which will be hazardous in the long run.

With no usage of chemicals or salts, the food prepared will be more beneficial and full of nutrients. There is no requirement for regular maintenance or monthly maintenance. Even the yearly maintenance is not required with Digigo E-Soft. With a work-life of 30 years, Digigo E-Soft will keep on softening the hard water without any breaks.

It is pocket-friendly as well as eco-friendly as it does not waste even a single droplet of water during the process of softening the water unlike other water softener systems available in the market. It softens the water fully without any particle of hard water left out. The best thing is that it is 100% Made In India.

DIGIGO Hard Water Softener for Home-

How to Save Your Wallets From Hard Water Using Hard Water Softener For Home

Hello people! We know how frustrating it can be to deal with hard water in your home. It’s not just annoying – it can actually cost you a lot of money over time. That’s why we the leaders of the water softening industry are always researching ways to help you save money and stay safe. We’ve put together our research results to show you how a Hard Water Softener For Home can protect your wallet and improve your quality of life.

Know the Hidden Costs of Hard Water

You might not realize it, but hard water is draining your wallets day by day:

Energy Bills: 

Hard water creates scale buildup in your water heater, geysers, washing machines and dishwashers making them work harder and use more energy. This means higher electricity or gas bills for you.


That same scale buildup can shorten the lifespan of your geysers, dishwasher, washing machine, and other water-using appliances. You might find yourself replacing these expensive items much sooner than you should.

Pipes and Fixtures: 

Over time, hard water can clog your pipes and damage fixtures, leading to costly repairs or replacements.


Hard water makes it harder for soap to lather, so you end up using more detergent. Your clothes might also wear out faster due to mineral buildup in the fabric.

Cleaning Agents: 

You will likely use more soap, shampoo, and cleaning products to combat the effects of hard water, which adds up over time. The yellow spots of water, stains on taps, and the algae bacteria in toilets and bathrooms make it more clumsy and unhygienic. Eventually, you need more toilet cleaners and acids to maintain the cleanliness of toilets and bathrooms.

Investing in a Hard Water Softener for Home

Now, we know what you’re thinking – “A water softener sounds expensive!” But hear us out. While there is an upfront cost, a good water softening system can save you money in the long run. Here’s how to choose the best hard water softener for home needs:

  1. Consider your home’s flow rate to ensure you get a system that can keep up with your water usage.
  2. Look at the capacity and how often it needs to regenerate. This affects both efficiency and convenience.
  3. Decide between salt-based and salt-free options. Each has its pros and cons, which we’ll dive into next.

Finding an Affordable Water Softener for House Without Compromising Quality

We understand that budget is a big concern. Here are some tips to help you find a cost-effective solution:

  1. Compare both upfront costs and long-term operational expenses when shopping for water softeners.
  2. Consider DIY installation if you’re handy, but be aware of potential pitfalls. Sometimes, professional installation can save you headaches down the line.
  3. Look into rental options. These can be budget-friendly in the short term, but owning often makes more financial sense if you plan to stay in your home long-term.

The Future of Soft Water: Electronic Water Softeners

Hard water softener for home

We’re really excited about electronic water softeners. These innovative devices work by sending out electronic pulses to break down the structure of hard water minerals, preventing them from sticking to surfaces. Here’s why we think they’re worth considering:

  1. They’re chemical-free, which is great for the environment.
  2. They’re incredibly energy-efficient, using about as much power as a small LED bulb.
  3. There are no moving parts, which means less maintenance and a longer lifespan.

While the upfront cost can be higher, electronic water softeners often pay for themselves through energy savings and reduced maintenance needs. Plus, you never have to buy salt!

Additional Benefits of Hard Water Softeners

A water softener for home doesn’t just save you money – it can improve your daily life in several ways:

  1. Softer Skin and Hair: Say goodbye to dry, itchy skin and hello to silky smooth hair. You might even be able to cut back on bathing soaps, moisturizers, shampoo and conditioners.
  2. Cleaner Clothes: Soft water helps your detergent work better, keeping your clothes cleaner and brighter for longer. This means you save big on detergent expenses and won’t need to replace your wardrobe as often.
  3. Spotless Dishes and Fixtures: No more water spots on your glasses or crusty buildup on your faucets. You’ll spend less time cleaning and less money on harsh cleaning products.

Making the Smart Choice for Your Home and Wallet

We hope this guide has shown you how a hard water softener for home can be a smart investment for your home. Whether you choose a traditional salt-based system, a salt-free conditioner, or an innovative electronic water softener, the benefits are clear: lower bills, longer-lasting appliances, and a more comfortable home.

Remember, the best hard water softener for you depends on your specific needs and water conditions. We’re always here to help you find the perfect solution for your home. After all, your comfort and savings are our top priorities!

So why wait? Start your journey to softer water today and watch those savings add up. Your wallet (and your skin, hair, clothes, and appliances) will thank you!

Top 5 Water Softeners for Houses in 2024

Top 5 Best Water Softeners for Houses in 2025 – Comprehensive Guide

What is Hard Water?

Hard water is a common problem in households as a majority of houses are supplied with hard water. Hard water is raw water that contains impure substances like magnesium and ions that are harmful for you to use in the long run. These impure substances will result in various skin problems, and hair problems as well and they will reduce the work life of appliances by developing scales on corrosion on the surfaces.

Moreover, your hair can become harsh and there is a severe chance of going bald. Hard water causes several skin problems, it will make your skin dry as well. Many people become allergic to hard water if used for the long term. Plumbing costs also increase as hard water causes cloaking and choking in the pipes. 

Why Water Softener is Important?

It is important to install a Water Softener System in your homes to save yourself from hard water as a water softener system is reliable in removing harmful substances like magnesium and ions. It can easily make the hard water soft and sufficient enough for use.

Moreover, water softener systems are like a one-time investment that will provide you with several benefits in the long run. It will help you increase your appliance’s work life by providing the proper water type that will maintain them, will not allow scales to develop, and prevent corrosion as well. Soft water will also nourish your hair and make your skin glow and soft as well. 

The evolution of the water softener systems started during the 18th and 19th centuries. Scottish Engineer Thomas Clark was recognized for the discovery of lime’s ability to soften the water in 1748. After that many companies launched their water softener system in the market the soften the hard water available, and new generations of water softeners were introduced. 

The hard water has gotten its hard nature from the particles like magnesium and calcium. To soften the water these particles are needed to be removed. To check if the water in your house is hard or not, add a little soap to it and if the water turns out to be soapy it’ll be soft water, and if not then it will be hard water. It is so because soap is easily mixed with soft water. 

There are various types of water softener systems available in the market. The Types of water softeners available in 2025 are as mentioned below:- 

Types of Water Softeners for Houses Available in 2025

  • Salt-based ion exchange systems 
  • Salt-free water conditioners 
  • Dual-tank water softeners 
  • Magnetic water softeners 
  • Reverse osmosis systems 

Salt-Based Ion Exchange System

A salt-based water softener typically works by drawing heavy minerals in the water, like calcium and magnesium, into a resin within the softener and exchanging them for sodium (salt). 

Salt-Free Water Conditioners

A salt-free water conditioner is a water treatment system that crystallizes magnesium and calcium minerals prevalent in hard water. These micro-crystals are unable to attach to pipes and water heaters in the form of scale. Water conditioners do not remove hardness minerals. 

Dual-Tank Water Softeners

Dual-tank water softener systems have 2 tanks in them. They have 2 resins present in them rather than 1 resin that helps them provide a continuous flow of soft water, without stopping the supply of soft water. This ensures that you have a continuous supply of water, even during regeneration. 

Magnetic Water Softener Systems

Magnetic water treatment (also known as anti-scale magnetic treatment or AMT) is a method of supposedly reducing the effects of hard water by passing it through a magnetic field as a non-chemical alternative to water softening. Magnetic water treatment is regarded as unproven and unscientific. 

Reverse Osmosis Systems

An RO system can soften water. However, constantly filtering hard water wears out the water purifier more quickly. Using an RO water system wastes a lot of water, so getting a water softener is a more economical solution if tackling water hardness is your top priority. 

Top 5 Best Water Softener for Houses in India in 2025 

Digigo E-Soft 5th Generation Water Softener

Digigo E-Soft is the number 1 Water Softener for Home in the market. It is the World’s first 5th generation Water Softener System. It converts water electronically rather than using any chemicals or salts. Moreover, it does not waste any water in the process of softening the water, unlike other water softener systems.

It gives you a work life of 30 years and it does not require any regular maintenance, even monthly or yearly maintenance. It softens water fully without any trace of hard water. It is eco-friendly and the best part is that it is 100% Made In India. It is the best hard water softener for home in 2025

KENT Water Softener

KENT is constantly innovating and providing solutions to protect people from harmful diseases. Driven by the purpose of offering good health to one and all, KENT is, without a doubt, the best guardian of your family’s health and lets you drink pure, breathe pure, eat pure & live pure. KENT is a very recognized brand in Water Softener Systems. With several benefits and features, KENT is constantly working to establish itself better in the market. 

3M Water Softeners

3M™ Fully Automatic Water Softener is available in two series namely SFT & WTS. It uses ion exchange technology for treating and softening hard water. It comes with a programmable multi-port valve thereby avoiding any manual intervention for its daily operation. Regeneration time can be set once and then the regeneration happens automatically while you are asleep. 

ZeroB Water Softener

ZeroB offers advanced and uniquely designed water softeners for homes that convert hard water into soft water. Our water softeners use non-electric automatic regeneration technology along with an ion exchange process that helps you get rid of that manual and time-consuming regeneration process.

Tata Swach Water Softener

Tata Swach Automatic Water Softener has been granted a place in the top 5 water softener systems in 2025. It has many pros such as no boiling required, zero water wastage, and chemical usage. 

We would recommend you to go for Digigo E-Soft, with various benefits it is budget-friendly as well. The service is also good and they respond pretty well. So what do you want more? Check out Digigo E-Soft NOW!!!

Digigo Water Softener for Home installation

Why Should Your House be Installed with Water Softener for Home? 

The most important thing in a person’s life is his/her home. The biggest dream a person can have is to get his own home and after purchasing the home it is important to maintain your home. That is why, we suggest, you get Water Softener for home. They’ll help you to maintain your precious home easily in terms of water problems. 

ESoft Water Softener for Home Installation at MohammadBhai House at Abu Road
DIGIGO Water Softener for Home Installation

It will not only maintain your home but also will save you a fortune because of their various benefits. They can save a lot of money which might be used directly or indirectly due to the use of Hard Water. 

How Water Softener for Home Save Money

Water Softeners can save a lot of money on cleaning products- Soft water is more efficient when it comes to cleaning, when compared with Hard Water. Hard water contains magnesium and calcium ions that make it very difficult to create an effective lather with soap and other cleaning products, which affects the whole cleaning process, whether you are having a shower, washing the car, or doing the laundry and dish.

As soft water is treated to remove these impurities, it is far more effective when used for washing. Often you can achieve the same level of soil removal in soft water by using lower water temperatures and a reduced amount of detergent than washing with hard water. You will require less cleaning agents to perform a good wash. 

How Water Softener for Home Save Home Appliances

Water Softener systems can increase the efficiency of Water Heaters- Hard water can wreak havoc on your water heating system due to scum and scale deposits that could lead to blockages and cause damage to your boiler.

Save Gyser with Water Softener for Home

Scale essentially acts as an added layer of insulation that prohibits the transfer of heat into the water. These deposits are known to drastically reduce the efficiency of your boiler sometimes as much as 50%. Moreover, the Soft Water is easily heated and takes less time to become hot as compared to the Hard Water. That means more savings of energy as well as money. 

How Water Softener for House Beneficial for Health

Soft Water is better for sensitive Skins- Hard water can exacerbate eczema and other dry skin conditions due to the excessive amount of soap and cleaning products needed to create an effective lather for a thorough clean.

Hard water also leads to the occurrence of soap scum – a result from the reaction between the soap and the minerals. Soap scum is another potential irritant both when it comes in direct contact with a skin condition or when small particles are left on clothing washed in hard water. Moreover, it does not result in any allergy compared to Hard Water. Soft Water is Soft on Skin which is beneficial too. 

How Home Water Softener Make Food Taste Better

Soft Water can make your food taste better- It seems unrealistic that water can change your food, right? But it’s true, Soft water is a more effective solvent, and this can be seen when used with soap, but it also equally applies to cooking and mixed drinks. For instance, adding stock to soft water will greatly enhance the flavors and aromas. 

How Water Softener for Home Reduce Hair Fall

Soft Water helps reduce the hairfall- The Hard Water is one of the main reasons for hair fall. Due to its minerals and harmful particles there is a high chance of going bald.

Water Softeners can provide you with water which can deep clean your hair and can remove the dirt from hair easily. Hard water makes these scales stand out from the shaft, leaving your hair more able to get tangled and feeling rough.

With softer water, there will be significantly less limescale deposits left in hair, and due to less interaction between the minerals and the hair itself, hair will be left feeling a lot smoother. 

How Water Softener Make Cleaning Process Easy

Soft Water from Water Softeners from home makes the cleaning process easy- The cleaning of the house is easy with the help of Soft Water. Soft water will likely increase the ease of removing dirt throughout the house, and it’s great for rinsing as it doesn’t leave streaky residue too. With hard water it is more difficult to produce an effective lather to remove dirt and stains, and on smooth surfaces the mineral deposits can produce a spotted appearance. 

Top Hard Water Problems Faced by Indian Women

Top 5 Hard Water Problems Faced by Indian Women and Solution

As Indian women, we are the backbone of our homes. From cooking nutritious meals to keeping the house spick and span, we make sure everything runs smoothly. However, Indian women faces big hard water problems.

What is Hard Water?

Hard water contains excess minerals like calcium and magnesium. While these are harmful to health when consumed, they can wreak havoc on households by clogging pipes, damaging appliances, and leaving stubborn stains. No wonder washing clothes, cleaning dishes, and even bathing becomes an uphill task!

Impact on Skin and Hair Care

We all wish for glowing skin and strong hair. But hard water makes this dream quite challenging to achieve. The mineral buildup creates a sticky residue that prevents soaps and shampoos from producing a rich lather.

 Hard Water problems on Skin and Hair

As a result, they don’t rinse off properly, leaving our skin dry, itchy and hair lifeless. Frequent use of hard water for bathing also leads to issues like eczema, acne and premature greying of hair.

Laundry Issues

As homemakers, one of our biggest responsibilities is keeping the family’s clothes crisp and bright. But with hard water problems, even new garments turn dull, drab and fade rapidly.

 Hard Water problems on Clothes.

The mineral deposits get trapped in the fabric, causing them to look dingy, feel rough and develop an obtrusive odour. Stubborn streaks and spots refuse to go away no matter how much detergent we use. This makes us waste time and money continually rewashing clothes.

Stubborn Cleaning 

Household chores like mopping floors, wiping countertops and scrubbing bathroom tiles require tremendous elbow grease with hard water around. The minerals create unsightly scales, smears and soap-curd stains that are extremely difficult to remove.

 Hard Water problems in Bathroom

We inevitably turn to abrasive cleaners containing harsh chemicals that damage surfaces and harm our health over time.

Cooking Challenges
 Hard Water problems in Cooking

While preparing meals, we struggle with rock-hard vegetable peels, lentils staying uncooked despite hours of simmering, and scum forming over hot beverages like tea. The culprit again is hard water’s high mineral content which not only makes food tough and discolored but can also affect its taste and nutritional value adversely.

Appliance Damage

Home appliances like geysers, dishwashers and washing machines also faces problem due to hard water.

 Hard Water problems in Appliance

As mineral deposits gradually accumulate inside the pipes and valves, they corrode vital components reducing efficiency and eventually causing complete breakdown. We then have to spend excessive amounts on frequent repairs and replacements.

The Solution of Hard Water Problems : E-Soft Water Softener for Home 

Fed up of wrestling with hard water day after day? Say goodbye to these endless hard water problems with E-Soft Water Softener for Home! This cutting-edge water softening technology neutralizes minerals and transforms hard water into soft, hard mineral-free water throughout your home.

Water Softener for Home installation at Maharana

With an E-Soft water softener installed, you can experience numerous benefits:

  • Softer skin and shinier hair from better soap and shampoo lather
  • Brighter clothes that stay fresh for longer
  • Easier cleaning without stubborn stains and water spots
  • No more chalky residues on utensils and cookware
  • Lower bills by extending appliance life and using lesser detergents
  • Improved water taste for drinking and quicker cooking

So ladies and gentlemen, what are you thinking? DIGIGO E-Soft water softener system is inspired by German technology. This household water softener demands no salt or maintenance. Moreover, this is the highest efficiency payer water softening technology at a low price. Gift your ladies and your family the luxury of soft water with a trusted household water softener brand: DIGIGO E-Soft. After all, they deserve some pampering for all the multi-tasking they do, don’t they? Install an E-Soft water softening system today for a refreshing hard water-free life!


ESoft Water Softener for Home: Invest in Your Family’s Health!

Have you ever paused to appreciate the marvelous creation of god: the human body? This remarkably complex system, comprised of trillions of cells, is a true creative engineering. But did you know that at the core of its mechanism lies a seemingly simple, yet important element – water?

Our bodies are essentially 60% water, with every cell, tissue, and organ relying on this life-giving liquid to function optimally. It is the universal solvent that facilitates the transportation of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout our bodies. From regulating body temperature to lubricating joints and cushioning organs, water plays a vital role in virtually every biological process.

The Mineral Balance

Just as our bodies require water, they also need a delicate balance of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium to thrive. These minerals help in bone development, muscle contraction, nerve signaling, and countless other critical functions. Ideally, we should be obtaining these minerals from the water we drink – nature’s original supplement.

But here’s the catch – the water we consume today is far from its natural, mineral-rich state.

The Hard Water Dilemma

Over time, our water sources have become increasingly contaminated with dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium, a condition known as hard water. While these minerals are beneficial in moderation, excessive levels can wreak havoc on our bodies and overall well-being.

Hard water can contribute to a range of health issues, including:

  1. Digestive Problems: The high mineral content can disrupt the delicate balance of electrolytes in our bodies, leading to indigestion, constipation, and other gastrointestinal issues.
  2. Kidney Stones: The buildup of mineral deposits in the kidneys can lead to the formation of painful and potentially dangerous stones.
  3. Skin and Hair Concerns: Hard water can strip away natural oils, leaving skin dry. Hard water can damage hair follicles which leads to dull and weak hair.
Impact of Hard Water on Skin and Hair

The Search for Purity

Recognizing the potential threats of hard water, various water treatment methods have emerged, promising to deliver clean, pure water. However, many of these solutions have their own drawbacks, such as removing essential minerals or using harsh chemicals that can be detrimental to our health and the environment.

The E-Soft Water Softener for Home : Mineral-Rich Soft Water

Enter E-Soft, India’s #1 hard water softeners brand, with a revolutionary approach to water softening. Unlike traditional water softeners that strip away essential minerals, E-Soft’s cutting-edge technology utilizes an advanced mineral neutralization process.

ESoft Water Softener for Home Installation at MohammadBhai House at Abu Road
ESoft Water Softener for House Installation

Through a series of electronic pulses, E-Soft’s hard water softener for home break down the larger, hard mineral particles into micron-sized molecules, effectively neutralizing their harmful effects. This unique process ensures that the water retains its beneficial mineral content while eliminating the risks associated with hard water.

By installing an E-Soft water softener for home, you and your family can enjoy a multitude of benefits:

  1. Improved Hydration: With neutralized minerals, the water becomes more easily absorbed by your body, promoting better hydration and overall well-being.
  2. Reduced Kidney Stone Risk: The micron-sized mineral particles are less likely to form deposits in your kidneys, minimizing the risk of painful kidney stones.
  3. Healthier Skin and Hair: Without harsh mineral buildup, your skin and hair can retain their natural oils, leaving you with a radiant complexion and strong hair.
  4. Enhanced Taste: E-Soft’s mineral-rich soft water has a refreshingly pure taste, making it 15% better to drink and cook with.
  5. Quick and Tasty Cooking: E-Soft’s soft water gets boiling quickly with enhanced taste. Hence cooking is no longer a time-consuming task. Moreover cooking with soft water saves fuel too. 
  6. Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective: Unlike chemical-based water treatments, E-Soft’s water softener for home are environmentally friendly and can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent maintenance and energy bills.

Prioritize Family Health

In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the simple things that can profoundly impact our well-being. But when it comes to the health of our loved ones, can we truly afford to compromise?

By investing in an E-Soft Water Softener for House, you are making a conscious choice to prioritize the well-being of your family. You are taking a proactive step towards ensuring that the water you consume is not only safe but also enriched with the essential minerals your bodies crave.

Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing that every sip, every meal prepared, and every shower taken is a pure experience.

After all, when it comes to the well-being of our loved ones, nothing should be left to chance. Take action today and join the thousands of Indian households who have already experienced the incredible benefits of E-Soft’s water softening technology.

Invest in your family’s health!

Why Hard water is bad for your bathroom

Enjoy Bathing with Soft Water : Digigo Water Softener for Bathroom

Digigo Water Softener for Bathroom can help you prevent the most unlikable thing that can ever happen to a human, GOING BALD. Going bald sounds like a nightmare right especially if you are unmarried. Hard water plays a major role in your hair loss and can lead to baldness. Digigo hard water softener for bathroom helps to convert hard water into soft water which can help your hair from going bald and can help you maintain looks.

Why you shouldn’t consider hard water for bathing? 

Hard water is not an ideal water for usage as it has various disadvantages. It gives a very unpleasant smell. It makes your skin dry and itchy, it also damages the smoothness of your skin.

Protect skin from hard water with Digigo water softener for bathroom

Hard water might also give a severe allergic reaction on your skin which would require a lot of treatment. Moreover, it will also damage your hair scalps making them go bald. 

Why should you choose soft water for bathing? 

Soft water is considered as a better option against hard water as it fades away the disadvantages of hard water and solves all of your hard water problems. Soft water is better in cleaning as well in bathing. It nourishes the skin and helps you get a glowing skin too. With soft water you can avoid skin irritation too. No allergy will be caused to you with the use of soft water. 

How bathing with soft water will save your pockets? 

Bathing with soft water will not only benefit your skin but also your pockets too. As it will save you a fortune. Soft water tends to heat faster than hard water. So, in the winter season when you are in a mood for a hot shower, you can easily bathe for longer hours as there will be less energy required to heat the water resulting in a high amount of energy savings. Also the bathing products will be used less as the soft water can remove the dirt easily.  A water softener for bathroom that will make your bathing easy and full of comfort. The most suitable water softener for home

How soap wastage reduced using Digigo bathroom water softener? 

bathroom quality comparison using hard water and digigo soft water from water softener for bathroom

Soap wastage will be reduced with the help of Digigo water softener for bathroom. Our product will convert hard water into soft water and then this soft water is capable of removing soap scum easily. The problem of stubborn soap scum will be solved with the help of Digigo E-Soft. Say goodbye to these soap scums with Digigo water softener for bathroom. The soap formation will also be increased which concludes in proper bathing and better cleaning results. These soap formations will clean the dirt easily. 

How can Digigo E-Soft save your plumbing cost? 

Digigo can save your money which could go wasted paying to the plumber. The soft water converted with Digigo water softener for bathroom save your pipes from getting corrosion and also reduces blockage in your pipes. Moreover, Calcium and magnesium from hard water tends to build up in your pipes over time, creating hard deposits that narrow your pipes and constrict the flow of water. Our water softener can prevent this. 

How Digigo water softener for bathroom maintain your looks? 

Soft water can eliminate dry hair problems. Moreover, the glow of skin will increase as well the nourishment will also increase. The hair scalp will also be benefitted resulting in good hair growth, making you look fresh and fabulous. So why wait more? Digigo is ready to become the ideal household water softener system for your home

So, is it enough to convince you to go for Digigo E-Soft or do we need to provide more information?