Tag Archives: Water Softener for Home


ESoft Water Softener for Home: Invest in Your Family’s Health!

Have you ever paused to appreciate the marvelous creation of god: the human body? This remarkably complex system, comprised of trillions of cells, is a true creative engineering. But did you know that at the core of its mechanism lies a seemingly simple, yet important element – water?

Our bodies are essentially 60% water, with every cell, tissue, and organ relying on this life-giving liquid to function optimally. It is the universal solvent that facilitates the transportation of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout our bodies. From regulating body temperature to lubricating joints and cushioning organs, water plays a vital role in virtually every biological process.

The Mineral Balance

Just as our bodies require water, they also need a delicate balance of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium to thrive. These minerals help in bone development, muscle contraction, nerve signaling, and countless other critical functions. Ideally, we should be obtaining these minerals from the water we drink – nature’s original supplement.

But here’s the catch – the water we consume today is far from its natural, mineral-rich state.

The Hard Water Dilemma

Over time, our water sources have become increasingly contaminated with dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium, a condition known as hard water. While these minerals are beneficial in moderation, excessive levels can wreak havoc on our bodies and overall well-being.

Hard water can contribute to a range of health issues, including:

  1. Digestive Problems: The high mineral content can disrupt the delicate balance of electrolytes in our bodies, leading to indigestion, constipation, and other gastrointestinal issues.
  2. Kidney Stones: The buildup of mineral deposits in the kidneys can lead to the formation of painful and potentially dangerous stones.
  3. Skin and Hair Concerns: Hard water can strip away natural oils, leaving skin dry. Hard water can damage hair follicles which leads to dull and weak hair.
Impact of Hard Water on Skin and Hair

The Search for Purity

Recognizing the potential threats of hard water, various water treatment methods have emerged, promising to deliver clean, pure water. However, many of these solutions have their own drawbacks, such as removing essential minerals or using harsh chemicals that can be detrimental to our health and the environment.

The E-Soft Water Softener for Home : Mineral-Rich Soft Water

Enter E-Soft, India’s #1 hard water softeners brand, with a revolutionary approach to water softening. Unlike traditional water softeners that strip away essential minerals, E-Soft’s cutting-edge technology utilizes an advanced mineral neutralization process.

ESoft Water Softener for Home Installation at MohammadBhai House at Abu Road
ESoft Water Softener for House Installation

Through a series of electronic pulses, E-Soft’s hard water softener for home break down the larger, hard mineral particles into micron-sized molecules, effectively neutralizing their harmful effects. This unique process ensures that the water retains its beneficial mineral content while eliminating the risks associated with hard water.

By installing an E-Soft water softener for home, you and your family can enjoy a multitude of benefits:

  1. Improved Hydration: With neutralized minerals, the water becomes more easily absorbed by your body, promoting better hydration and overall well-being.
  2. Reduced Kidney Stone Risk: The micron-sized mineral particles are less likely to form deposits in your kidneys, minimizing the risk of painful kidney stones.
  3. Healthier Skin and Hair: Without harsh mineral buildup, your skin and hair can retain their natural oils, leaving you with a radiant complexion and strong hair.
  4. Enhanced Taste: E-Soft’s mineral-rich soft water has a refreshingly pure taste, making it 15% better to drink and cook with.
  5. Quick and Tasty Cooking: E-Soft’s soft water gets boiling quickly with enhanced taste. Hence cooking is no longer a time-consuming task. Moreover cooking with soft water saves fuel too. 
  6. Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective: Unlike chemical-based water treatments, E-Soft’s water softener for home are environmentally friendly and can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent maintenance and energy bills.

Prioritize Family Health

In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the simple things that can profoundly impact our well-being. But when it comes to the health of our loved ones, can we truly afford to compromise?

By investing in an E-Soft Water Softener for House, you are making a conscious choice to prioritize the well-being of your family. You are taking a proactive step towards ensuring that the water you consume is not only safe but also enriched with the essential minerals your bodies crave.

Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing that every sip, every meal prepared, and every shower taken is a pure experience.

After all, when it comes to the well-being of our loved ones, nothing should be left to chance. Take action today and join the thousands of Indian households who have already experienced the incredible benefits of E-Soft’s water softening technology.

Invest in your family’s health!


7 Advantages of DIGIGO Water Softeners : A Market-Leading Water Softener Solution

In this blog, We shared top 7 advantages of Digigo Water Softeners.


Digigo E-Soft doesn’t use chemicals or salt

For softening the water Digigo doesn’t use any chemical or salt. This means Digigo water softeners is free from harmful chemicals that could act as a slow poison in the long run as well as salt that could result in severe health problems. In Salt softener which uses salt to make Soft Water there are a lot of residues left but in E-Soft no residue is left. Salt Softeners uses sodium that is left making residue and making it toxic. Moreover, the environment also remains healthy and green due to less wastage of water as well as less concentrated water. That means Reduction in Water pollution as well as land pollution. 

No requirement of maintenance

DIGIGO Water Softeners doesn’t not require regular maintenance, that means savings in money and increase in productivity yayyyyy! Digigo E-Soft is capable enough to go without maintenance, even if it is weekly, monthly or yearly maintenance. Now that is called a smart product. Are you smart enough to understand the intelligence of this product? We think you are, what do you say? 

Decrease in money usage

Money usage on salt keeps on decreasing as with Digigo Water Softener System, you don’t have to purchase salt to soften your water or convert hard water into soft water. Again savings of money double yayyyyy! No usage of Salt means natural water with natural minerals, beneficial for your health. Now that’s healthy, isn’t it? 

Reduction in electricity bill

We are again gonna save your money, you ask how? Through your electricity bill. We will reduce your electricity bill to a minimum amount with our DIGIGO Water Softeners as the Soft Water will be heated easily in the geyser and your geyser will be operated in the optimum level and the Soft Water will be heated with 30% less energy, saving your money about 30% in your electricity bill. As you don’t require to work with hard water after the installation of Digigo, So the energy used to work with hard water will be reduced to minimum, saving lots of money. Now That’s good, isn’t it? 

Reasonable price

Let’s save your money once again, shall we? With DIGIGO Automatic Water Softeners benefits there is one more benefit that the price of our product is reasonable. Whether it is residential, commercial, Industrial or Agriculture sector we are keen to serve each and every sector and that too at a low price. Our product is reasonable as well as reliable irrespective of the sectors. Our prices are lower than the savings of yours after installing our product. Digigo E-Soft is highly beneficial, isn’t it? 

Relief from corrosion

DIGIGO Water Softeners will remove your lime and corrosion generated ages before too. Within 3 months, your lime or corrosion will disappear like there was no corrosion. Not a single stain. Now that is called an ideal product doesn’t it? 

Huge lifespan

The life of DIGIGO Water Softeners is more than 30 years, isn’t it fabulous? That means even generations will change but Digigo E-Soft will keep on working and treating your Hard Water problems. This also means no requirement of a new E-Soft machine for about 30 years, SAVINGS SAVINGS SAVINGS!!! Seems like Digigo E-Soft is the metaphor for savings, doesn’t it? 

Easy Installation of Digigo Water Softeners at various places

Are you convinced to go for our Digigo DIGIGO Water Softeners? If not, it’s totally fine, you can read other blogs too on our website or read more about our product or aout us and then make a decision. We’ll be waiting to hear from you.

DIGIGO Water Softeners in Various Sectors

DIGIGO Water Softener for Home

DIGIGO Water Softener for Agriculture

DIGIGO Water Softener for Industry

DIGIGO Water Softener for Commercial Use

Various Generation of Water Softener.

The Evolution of Water Softeners: Why Digigo Water Softeners Leads the Way!

Ever wish your dishes sparkled, your hair flowed like waterfalls, and your appliances didn’t throw tantrums? Hard water, that pesky villain in Indian homes, throws limescale parties on your pipes, leaving you scrubbing and sighing. But guess what? There’s a water softener hero on the horizon, ready to banish hard water blues without harsh chemicals or endless maintenance!

Welcome to the exciting world of water-softening technology, a landscape constantly evolving to tackle this age-old problem. Today, we’ll delve into the various generations of water softener systems, culminating in Digigo’s revolutionary E-Soft technology – a game-changer poised to redefine soft water solutions.

Various Generations of Water Softeners systems

1st Generation: The Classics – Salt Softeners

These time-tested warriors have served us well for years. In the first generation salt based water softeners get calcium and magnesium from salt and combine them with chloride and added to excess water to form sodium water. This technology’s effective score is around 70% on our efficiency scale due to waste generation and maintenance needs.

2nd Generation: The Refinement – Ion Exchangers

Building on the foundation of salt softeners, ion exchangers use alternative resins to remove hard minerals. While offering similar efficiency (70%), they address the sodium concern to some extent. However, these systems still require regular regeneration and maintenance, making them a practical, but not revolutionary, solution.

3rd Generation: Magnet Technology

These methods fall under the “neutralization” category, aiming to alter the properties of hard minerals without removal. Magnets, shrouded in scientific uncertainty, claim to change the mineral structure, but their effectiveness is largely disputed. But 3rd generation hard water filter offers only 20% efficiency.

This technology gets soft water without waste and without maintenance. It is and eco-friendly technology. This technology uses magnetic waves of north-pole and neutralizes the minerals available in the water. But due to high concentration the efficiency of this technology was not enough to neutralize hard minerals.

4th Generation: Conditioners

Efficiency of the 3rd generation was too less therefore to tackle this; the 4th generation came into action which is conditioners. The limitation of magnetic frequency was fulfilled by computers. By generating pulses by computers, it achieved the frequency to neutralize the hard minerals. It was basically invented by Germans. Conditioners, meanwhile, attempt to coat minerals, preventing them from sticking, but their long-term effectiveness and potential environmental impact raise concerns. The efficiency of the 4th generation water softener is 50%.

5th Generation: Electro Hydro Enhancer (E-Soft)

The conditioner technology could not survive in the India. Digigo is the only company which studied the technical drawbacks of 4th generation. This is where Digigo shines. Digigo cracked the design and technical code by doing research and development of this technology that can perfectly match the Indian hard water condition. Digigo made Electro Hydro Enhancer- E-Soft which is MADE IN INDIA. Because Our E-Soft water softener system ushers in a new era of soft water solutions. Forget harsh chemicals, wasteful membranes, and questionable techniques. E-Soft employs a breakthrough low-frequency electronic pulse technology to neutralize the charge of hard minerals within the water itself.

Here’s how Digigo E-Soft works:

●  E-Soft transmits low-frequency electronic pulse through the water.

●  E-Soft transmits low-frequency electronic pulse through the water.

●  These waves interact with hard mineral particles, altering their electrical charge.

●  The neutralized minerals lose their tendency to stick and form scale, rendering them harmlessly suspended in the water.

● No minerals are removed, no chemicals are added, just pure, soft water flowing freely.

This revolutionary approach boasts unparalleled benefits:

●  Unmatched Efficiency of 100%: E-Soft utilizes minimal energy, with no water waste or regeneration requirements.

●  Eco-Friendly: No harsh chemicals or brine discharge, making it a sustainable choice.

● Low Maintenance: E-Soft requires minimal upkeep, saving you time and money.

● Safe for All Appliances: Unlike salt softeners that can harm specific appliances, E-Soft is gentle on everything it touches.

So, what does this mean for you?

If you’re tired of hard water problems, Digigo’s E-Soft water softener offers a transformative solution. Experience the joy of sparkling dishes, shiny hair, and effortlessly clean appliances. Enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re making a sustainable choice for your home and the environment.

Ready to say goodbye to hard water woes?

Visit our website to learn more about Digigo’s E-Soft water softening technology and find the perfect solution for your home. We offer a variety of hard water softeners for home, whole house water filters, and water softener options to suit your specific needs and budget.

Invest in your future, invest in soft water, invest in Digigo’s E-Soft.

  • Effectiveness of each method is indicated on a scale of 100% (most effective) to 20% (least effective):
  • Salt softeners and RO (1st generation) – 70%
  • Ion exchangers (2nd generation) – 70%
  • Magnets (3rd generation) – 20%
  • Conditioners (4th generation) – 50%
  • E-Soft (5th generation) – 100%
E-Soft Water Softener for Home

E-Soft Water Softener for Home: Reset Button for Hard Water!

Clogged pipes, sputtering geysers, and frustrating cleaning battles – if hard water has taken over your home, it’s time for a change. Ditch the endless scrubbing and lukewarm showers, and welcome E-Soft, A Water Softener for Home, the revolutionary water softener system that transforms your Ghar into a heaven of soft, refreshing bliss.

Image of E-Soft Water Softener for Home

Tackle the hard water with E-Soft, the eco-friendly water softener system that transforms your home into a haven of soft, refreshing bliss. E-Soft benefits your family, your wallet, and even the planet. Let’s how it can wash away the hard water problems of the home:

Here is the list of Hard Water Problems:

Let the Pipes Flow Freely:

before and after image of pipes flowing Hard Water and Soft Water

Tired of battling inactive faucets and cleaning? E-Soft gently removes existing scale buildup and keeps your pipes flowing freely, ensuring efficient performance. It gently removes existing mineral buildup, giving your pipes a fresh start. Enjoy the powerful, consistent water flow you deserve, from every tap in your home. No more fighting for lukewarm dribbles – just happy gurgles and smooth, refreshing water whenever you need it.

Geyser on Saving Mode:

Forget struggling geysers and running electricity bills. E-Soft dissolves mineral deposits, keeping your geyser running efficiently. Get your hot showers in record time, without the frustrating wait or the energy drain. Save money on electricity while experiencing the luxury of refreshing hot water, whenever you need it.

Effortless Cleaning:

E-Soft makes cleaning a breeze. It enhances lather formation, so you need less soap and less effort to achieve sparkling results. Dishes shine, fixtures gleam, and your home effortlessly transitions from grimy to gleaming. Say goodbye to hours of scrubbing – E-Soft makes cleaning quicker, easier, and more enjoyable.

Sparkling Bathroom:

Hard water might make things look clean, but it can cause problems you can’t see. Algae and mold thrive in their mineral feast, but Residential Water Softener keeps them out. Enjoy a sparkling, hygienic bathroom that protects your health and leaves you feeling confident. Banish unpleasant odours and breathe easy, knowing your bathroom is truly clean and safe.

Hair & Skin Care:

Hard water robs your hair of its natural oils and irritates your skin. With E-Soft’s softened water, your hair regains its shine and becomes healthy and manageable. Your skin feels soothed and revitalized, free from the irritation caused by harsh minerals. Say hello to a radiant, confident you!

Cooking in Slow Motion?

Soft water works wonders in the kitchen too. E-Soft helps vegetables cook faster, retaining their nutrients and enhancing flavour. Dishes come alive with freshness, and you get more time to enjoy and share the results with loved ones. Plus, E-Soft’s water conservation features help you cook greener, knowing you’re making a positive impact on the environment.

Garden Greenery:

Plants aren’t safe from hard water’s thirst trap either. E-Soft uses water wisely, allowing your plants to drink deeply and flourish. Enjoy a vibrant garden with minimal effort, knowing you’re contributing to a greener planet. Your garden will thrive, and you’ll enjoy the beauty and peace it brings to your home garden.

Eco-Friendly Magic for Your Home: E-Soft Water Softener for Home

Water Conservation Champion: 

E-Soft minimizes water waste, making it a sustainable choice for you and the environment.

Maintenance-Free Miracle: 

No need for constant filter changes or expensive upkeep. No maintenance of pipe cleaning any more! Revolutionise your plumbing.

Let’s put this into practice!

Imagine sparkling dishes that shine effortlessly, a bathroom sanctuary free from hidden threats, and a garden thriving with vibrant life. Imagine the time saved, the money conserved, and the confidence in knowing you’re making a positive impact. That’s the power of E-Soft. Don’t settle for the blues of hard water – choose the symphony of soft water bliss. It’s time to shine your home with E-Soft!

Save your Home, Save your Family with E-Soft Water Softener for Home

Contac us for A Best Water Softener for your Home

Email Address
You can Contact us via Email at info.digigo@gmail.com

Our Phone Number, Call us anytime at +91 63563 11101

Our Office Address : 101, Basil Skyline, Nr. Tragad Underpass, Vaishnodevi to Zundal, S.P. Ring Road Tragad, Ahmedabad- 382470

Looking for Agriculture Water Softener?

Our Agriculture Water Softener is a Top rated and trusted by lot of farmers.